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Privacy WP Lite for GDPR

开发者 scott.deluzio
更新时间 2019年5月9日 06:33
WordPress版本: 5.2.0
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


privacy gdpr user data


1.0.0 1.0.1 1.1.0


Privacy WP provides a simple to use interface to edit some of the privacy related GDPR settings available inside of WordPress. By default, WordPress has made a few assumptions for you when dealing with GDPR user data exports. Privacy WP allows you to edit the default assumptions made by WordPress. Editable Privacy Options Self-Serve Export and Erase Requests Export or Erase Data From Third Party Sites When you receive a GDPR export or erase request, you need to export or erase the user's data from anywhere it is stored - not just your website. While the export/erase tools built-in to WordPress are great for the data that is stored on your site, they are not able to access data from third party sites. Upgrade to Privacy WP pro to be able to export and erase data from third party sites like MailChimp, ConvertKit, Stripe, Drip, SendGrid, Help Scout, and Insightly CRM. Think of it as a "bridge" that connects your website to the other sites where your user's data is stored.


  • Edit the email sent to users who are requesting an export of their data.
  • Use the `[PrivacyRequestForm]` shortcode to display a self-service form on your website for visitors to initiate an export or erase request. The form initiates the request, it doesn't allow data to be exported or erased without an administrator verifying the request. This form does the same thing as what an administrator would do when entering a user's email address on the export/erase admin page.
  • Change the number of days before the export file expires. WordPress default expiration length is 3 days.
  • Edit the confirmation notices shown to users on your site who request that their data is exported or erased.
  • Edit the email sent to users who are requesting an export of their data.
  • Use the `[PrivacyRequestForm]` shortcode to display a self-service form on your website for visitors to initiate an export or erase request. The form initiates the request, it doesn't allow data to be exported or erased without an administrator verifying the request. This form does the same thing as what an administrator would do when entering a user's email address on the export/erase admin page.
  • Change the number of days before the export file expires. WordPress default expiration length is 3 days.
  • Edit the confirmation notices shown to users on your site who request that their data is exported or erased.


  • Include front end self-service form for export and erase requests.


1.1.0 1.0.1 1.0.0