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Plugin Name

开发者 ahpatel
更新时间 2009年1月28日 05:08
PHP版本: 2.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.7


feed rss widget links profile timeline social lifestream mashup profilactic


1.0.1 1.1 1.1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.0


WP-Profilactic publishes your LifeStream or informs readers where to find you online by parsing your aggregated activity mashup from Features: NOTE: SimplePie Core for WP is required if you run PHP4 and highly recommended for PHP5 installations. It aggregates and caches the feed data more efficiently that the native PHP5 parser (i.e., faster load time for your visitors).


  1. Download and unzip the most recent version of Profilactic
  2. Upload the entire profilactic folder to /wp-content/plugins/
  3. Login to your WP Admin panel, click Plugins, and activate Profilactic
  4. Go to Options and then click the Profilactic link. Enter your Profilactic username and customize your settings (colors, # of posts, etc.).
  5. To show your lifestream on a page (like My Lifestream):
  6. Copy <?php profilactic(); ?> or <?php prof_wtfmo(); ?> into a template file (sample file, profilactic.tpl.php, included in the plugin directory)
  7. Save the template file to /wp-content/themes/your theme/
  8. Create a new page (Write -> Page) and use the profilactic template (under the Page Options, scroll down to Page Template and select Profilactic).
  9. To show your lifestream or wtfmo in the sidebar, add the appropriate Profilactic widget from Design -> Widgets.
  10. That's it!
To upgrade, simply replace the old Profilactic directory with the newest version. If you've customized your formatting, make sure you don't override your .css files.


Was this plugin written from scratch!?

No. This plugin was inspired by, and a fork of, Kieran Delany's SimpleLife plugin for WP.

Can I add a custom favicon for a custom feed?

Yes. Simply place the icon (generally, favicons are 16x16) in the plugin/profilactic/images/ folder. The plugin should be named .png... For example, if you have a custom icon for, the icon should be named delicious.png. For more examples, take a look at the profilactic/images directory.

Do you support PHP4?

Yes, but only if you install the SimplePie Core Plugin.


Post your problems, questions, suggestions, or compliments on the WP-Profilactic Forum or email me at