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Post Type & Taxonomy Manager / PT & T Manager / PTT Manager

开发者 tribalNerd
Chris Winters
更新时间 2017年6月9日 21:48
PHP版本: 4.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.8
版权: GNU GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


taxonomies taxonomy custom post types post type custom taxonomies post types custom taxonomy custom-post-type


0.1.0 0.1.2 0.1.3


The Post Type & Taxonomy Manager WordPress Plugin allows you to register custom post types and taxonomies with ease, while providing you with 8 pre-created and simple to use post types and taxonomies, including: Books, Docs, FAQ's, Music, Portfolio, Teams, Testimonials, and Videos. Features For Support, Bugs & Feature Requests Submit an Issue if you need assistance, found a bug, or if you would to request a feature! Credits Dashicons Picker by bradvin


Standard Install It is recommended that you use the built in WordPress plugin manager to download and install plugins. Upload and Install


  • Home Tab - Presets with Menu & Post Type Displayed
  • Post Type Tab
  • Post Type Tab - With Edit Dropdown
  • Taxonomy Tab
  • Taxonomy Tab - With Edit Dropdown
  • Import/Export Tab
  • PHP Output Tab
  • Saved Settings Tab
  • Templates Tab


Q) What does this plugin do?

A) The Post Type & Taxonomy Manager WordPress plugin stores and registers Post Types and Taxonomies for you.

Q) Does it create templates for Post Types and Taxonomies?

A) No, however it does provide you the instructions (and some code snips) for your themes templates and functions.php file.

Q) Can I customize Post Types & Taxonomies however I like?

A) To an extent, some features are automated to help simplify the process.

Q) Can I delete Post Types and Taxonomies?

A) Yes, but only those created by the Plugin. To delete: Click on either the Post Type or Taxonomy tab, then from the Edit dropdown menu select the Post Type or Taxonomy you wish to delete. Or, select the Saved Settings tab, then click the "Delete All Settings?" button to permanently delete all settings. = Q) Does deleting a Post Type / Taxonomy delete content? A) No, only the Post Type / Taxonomy record is deleted.


0.1.3 2017-9-6 0.1.2 2017-23-4 0.1.1 2017-4-3 0.1.0 2017-3-14