The Widget with some options. This plugin is based on the well-known WordPress default widget 'Recent Posts' and enhanced to display thumbnails of the posts.
The thumbnails will be built from the featured image of a post content. If there is neither a featured image nor a content image then you can hide the thumbnail.
The thumbnails appears left-aligned to the post titles. You can set the width and heigth of the thumbnails in the list.
The widget and shortcode is available. You can insert through widget on any sidebar any where easily.
Using The WordPress Dashboard
- Navigate to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard
- Search for 'Recent Post Lazy Load'
- Click 'Install Now'
- Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard
- Go to 'Appereance' => 'Widgets' and select 'RP Lazy Load Widget'
Uploading in WordPress Dashboard
- Navigate to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard
- Navigate to the 'Upload' area
- Select
from your computer
- Click 'Install Now'
- Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard
- Go to 'Appereance' => 'Widgets' and select 'RP Lazy Load Widget'
Using FTP
- Download
- Extract the
directory to your computer
- Upload the
directory to the /wp-content/plugins/
- Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard
Go to 'Appereance' => 'Widgets' and select 'RP Lazy Load Widget'
If you have any query or suggestion? Let me know!