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Recent Posts Ultimate

开发者 BearlyDoug
更新时间 2023年11月24日 23:59
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.5.1
版权: GPLv3 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


categories shortcode custom post types Posts Recent Posts excerpts HTML allowed




Recent Posts Ultimate This plugin takes the best features of five VERY popular recent posts plugins, tosses in the ability to show posts with or without HTML code and gives you a Shortcode builder (which you can copy/paste anywhere on a page, a post or inside a widget), while allowing custom post types to be used. You can limit it to certain post types, certain categories, sort it by title or date posted, ascending, descending. You can even select whether you want the featured image shown (as a thumbnail), hide/show the title, link the title, the text, control how many words you want shown in the snippet, etc. Important note: Not all features mentioned above are in this current version. See below for our planned updates. While this is the first version of this plugin, it should be robust enough to handle just about any of your needs. Current Version 1.0.1 Features: TROUBLESHOOTING:


If you downloaded this plugin:
  1. Upload the rpu folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Once activated, locate the "BD Plugins" section in WP Admin, and then click on "Quotopia".
  4. Follow the directions on the Shortcode Builder tab, create a new quotes library under the Quotes Builder tab, etc.
If you install this plugin through WordPress 2.8+ plugin search interface:
  1. Click "Install" on 'Recent Posts Ultimate".
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu.
  3. Once activated, locate the "BD Plugins" section in WP Admin, and then click on "Recent Posts Ultimate".
  4. Follow the directions on the Shortcode Builder tab, etc.


  • RPU, in action (demo site - another set of settings)
  • RPU, in action (live site)
  • Controllable HTML tags (in a future version)
  • RPU, in action (demo site - no settings)
  • RPU, in action (demo site - one set of settings)
  • RPU, in action (demo site - different settings)
  • RPU, in action (demo site - another set of settings)
  • RPU, in action (live site)
  • Controllable HTML tags (in a future version)
  • RPU, in action (demo site - no settings)


  • Coming soon!


Why is the Shortcode Builder not working?

** As this is the first release of RPU, FAQs are a little minimal right now ** Check to make sure you've got JavaScript enabled on your browser. Also make sure jQuery is working on your site.

Where's the widget for this? Gutenberg block?!

Coming in a future version, I promise!

Why is the Admin interface not in [LANGUAGE] language?

Internationalization will be coming very soon.

What's with the animated bear icon / Why "BearlyDoug"?

You'll need to check out the plugin and click on "BD Plugins" after you activate this plugin. :)

Why free? Do you have a commercial version, too?

Because I want to give back to the community that has given so much to me, no. What you see is what you get.WordPress has allowed me to advance my career and put me into a position where I'm doing okay. That said, you can still support this plugin (and others, as I release them) by hittin' that "Donate" link over on the right.


TODO 1.0.1 1.0.0