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Recipe Schema Markup

based on Yumprint Recipe Card
更新时间 2017年1月27日 13:13
PHP版本: 3.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.5
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


post google posts plugin page photo meta template seo image php search content images SEO simple custom JSON-LD picture schema rich snippet recipe food hrecipe ziplist recipes nutrition ingredients cooking recipe box recipe template recipe card recipe seo grocery list print recipe save recipe shopping list


1.0 1.0.1 1.1 1.1.1 1.2 1.2.1


Create good looking printable recipes. With Recipe Schema Markup your recipes are optimized for search engines. Make your recipes beautiful. Mix and match over 100 color, font and layout swatches for a recipe template entirely your own. Need more recipe customization? Our visual recipe template editor makes that easy too. Make your recipes visible to search engines. Recipe Schema Markup makes recipes compliant for maximum coverage by search engines. Include a recipe photo, and your recipes will be enhanced in Google Search. Enter recipes quickly. Recipe Schema Markup integrates seamlessly with the Wordpress editor. Type your recipes naturally instead of using individual fields for each line of the recipe. Include multiple recipes. Recipe Schema Markup allows you to add as many recipes to a post as you want. Delight your readers. Recipe Schema Markup allows you to enhance your recipes with the following features: Recipe Schema Markup is free. Recipe Schema Markup is 100% free. Your recipes are yours. If you deactivate or delete Recipe Schema Markup, your data (recipes, theme, etc.) will remain on your Wordpress server in your database. There are common tools that can easily retrieve the data from your database. You can easily disable the display of both nutrition information with the recipe template editor. Recipe Schema Markup will display properly on all browsers; however, the Recipe Schema Markup editor requires Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, or IE9+.


Install the Recipe Schema Markup Plugin using the built-in WordPress plugin installer. If you download the Recipe Schema Markup Plugin manually, upload it to "/wp-content/plugins/". To activate Recipe Schema Markup, click "Activate" in the "Plugins" admin panel. To use Recipe Schema Markup, click the Recipe Schema Markup icon on the "Edit Post" pages. Enter the recipe and click "Save". This inserts the recipe into your blog post. To customize your recipe template, use the Recipe Schema Markup template editor. Either choose a recipe theme that you like or use the color, background, font, and layout tabs to create your own theme. On each tab, you can use our swatches or click the recipe preview to get exactly the settings you want.