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Advanced Iranian Widget
this widget is capable of showing text,html,JS,flash, and it can hide it's content fron Iranian/not Iranian visitors or display publicly.
PHP Everywhere
Using this plugin you can use PHP in widgets, pages and posts. Supports Gutenberg.
Administrative Shortcodes
A set of shortcodes for the website administrators.
phpinfo() WP
A simple plugin to look up server info and manage server configuration of wordpress site
Allow PHP Execute
Executes PHP code on WordPress post ,page and on default Text Widget
Plugin Name
This plugin runs native PHP code that can be added to post and page data.
ACF Enhanced Message Field
Adds an enhanced version of the default Message field to accept PHP and certainly no wpauto().
Ads Manager WP/BB
Easy to use Wordpress plugin to insert any Ads to your posts and BuddyPress sections.
Random header image script
A random header image script for wordpress
WP Dev Info
Displays information on both front and back ends during development, such as memory usage, number of database queries and more.
Boost your posts with Nzymes injections. Safely use PHP in posts' title, excerpt, and content. WordPress 4.7+ PHP 5.6+
SyntaxHighlighter Evolved
Easily post syntax-highlighted code to your site without having to modify the code at all. As seen on
Dashboard Server Specs
Adds a dashboard widget displaying server specs like current PHP version.
Quickly create and embed individual code snippet posts. Access the snippet post directly, view raw, or show all snippets in an archive list.
Simple PHP Info
Displays the phpinfo() table in the WordPress dashboard and creates a shortcode for use in posts and pages.
WPCode - Insert Headers and Footers + Custom Code Snippets - WordPress Code Manager
Easily add code snippets in WordPress. Insert header & footer scripts, add PHP code snippets with conditional logic, insert ads pixel code, and more.
Code Editor
Brings syntax highlighting and line numbers to the theme- and plugin-editor of wordpress.
Debug PHP variables in the JavaScript console (Chrome & Firebug). Use instead of PHP's native var_dump() function.
Code View
Easily use highlightjs and line-numbers to syntax-highlighted sample code on your blog posts
Simply configure your SMTP server and send email directly from WordPress site.