directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.An example shortcode would be the following : [shift8_modal post_id="1234" close_modal="CLOSE" call_modal="CLICK HERE" call_type="button" animatedIn="lightSpeedIn" animatedOut="bounceOutDown" color="#333333"]
You can either style the content that the shortcode pulls (page ID) by using the built-in Wordpress WYSIWYG editor or you can apply CSS styling to the custom classes that are generated in the markup. There will be general "catch-all" CSS classes generated and custom per-shortcode classes that will allow you to style each markup individually, or all at once.
This is planned for a future update of the plugin. Alternatively you can simply use the CSS class that is assigned to the close button area to inject font awesome icons (or any icon pack) and remove the close text. For example : #shift8-close-modal ::before { content: 'whatever'; } #shift8-close-modal a { display:none; }
You can visit the Animate.css page to view all the animation options for the animatedIn and animatedOut options.
You can visit our website to see! :)