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Customizable social proof notifications for Wordpress - Sidepop

开发者 sidepop
更新时间 2019年10月3日 07:40
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.2.3
版权: GPLv2
版权网址: 版权信息


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Sidepop is a social proof marketing tool, that allows you to embed a social proof widget in less than 2 minutes. In Sidepop you can customize everything. You can create fake or real notifications to increase conversions on your website, you can set the images and text you want and you have six different types of notifications. Sidepop is always Whitelabel, so when you add the widget to your website you never see the Sidepop branding.
Sidepop works out of the box in all Wordpress sites. You don’t need any other plugin.
Use this plugin to install Sidepop with one simple step, and also sync your real Wordpress user registrations and sales. Sidepop requires a subscription to work, and we offer a 7 days free trial. Visit to know our plans, starting $9/mo. Our WordPress plugin is fully compatible with


After you've installed this plugin, proceed to If you don't have an account, create your account free and get a 7 days trial to test our service. After you have created your first popup, go to Integrations and copy your Integration Key. You can paste this key in WordPress (Sidepop is in the left sidebar of the Admin panel). For more detailed install instructions, check the following tutorial:

