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Simple Toolkit

开发者 codelessthemes
更新时间 2023年2月22日 19:39
WordPress版本: 6.1
版权: GPL-2.0-or-later
版权网址: 版权信息


cache comments CSS widgets redirection maintenance mode editor block JS Google Analytics thumbnails page order duplication XML-RPC WP admin



Simple Toolkit is a plugin that provides simple and useful tools for WordPress websites. With this plugin, you can easily disable comments, duplicate pages or posts, add Google Analytics tracking code, use classic widgets and editor, manage redirections, regenerate thumbnails, enable maintenance mode and disable XML-RPC.


Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/wp-simple-toolkit directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress. Go to the 'Simple Toolkit' settings page to configure the plugin.


How do I disable comments?

Go to the 'Simple Toolkit' settings page, check the 'Disable comments' checkbox, and save the changes.

How do I duplicate a page or post?

Go to the 'Pages' or 'Posts' screen, hover over a page or post, and click the 'Duplicate' link. You can also duplicate a page or post from the 'Edit Page' or 'Edit Post' screen.

How do I add Google Analytics tracking code?

Go to the 'Simple Toolkit' settings page, enter your Google Analytics tracking code, and save the changes.

How do I enable maintenance mode?

Go to the 'Simple Toolkit' settings page, check the 'Enable maintenance mode' checkbox, enter your message and optional login credentials, and save the changes.

How do I disable XML-RPC?

Go to the 'Simple Toolkit' settings page, check the 'Disable XML-RPC' checkbox, and save the changes.


1.0.0 Initial release. == Upgrade Notice == N/A