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Simple WP Limit Posts Automatically

开发者 wpdebuglog
更新时间 2019年7月29日 03:00
PHP版本: 3.8 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.2.2
版权: GPLv2


post posts plugin wordpress tag excerpt limit more automatically description



Automatically limit posts Limit WordPress post content length and add read more link. Is there a way to limit posts in Wordpress without coding (wordpress excerpt)? You can always use the more-tag and if you use it you can manually insert a break-point to cut your posts where you like. What if you want to do it automatically? Then this plugin is the answer. You can choose where it should limit your posts (home, category, archive and search). You also have some other features, for example to choose the limit method (cut by letter, word or paragraph). If you already limit your post by a more tag, this plugin don't bother. Features


  1. Upload wp-limit-posts-automatically.php to the '/wp-content/plugins/wp-limit-posts-automatically' directory.
  2. Activate the plugin WP Limit Posts Automatically through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to 'Options / Limit Posts Options' for options and more instructions.


  • Options


Can I still use the more tag with this plugin?

Yes, you can.

How do I report a bug?

Contact me. Describe the problem as good as you can and what version you use.

How can I support this plugin?

Spread the word, report bugs and give med feedback.