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Smart Recent Posts Widget
Provides advanced recent posts widget,you can display it with thumbnails, excerpt, date, author, comment count and more.
Plugin Name
The plugin automatically displays excerpts instead of full post contents in your blog. Custom excerpts and generated excerpts supported.
AutoFields will auto fill the Excerpt and add an Image custom field based on the data you entered into the contents editor.
Ads Manager WP/BB
Easy to use Wordpress plugin to insert any Ads to your posts and BuddyPress sections.
Awesome Featured Post Widget
sidebar, taxonomy, post meta, plugin, wordpress
A better excerpt plugin with better support for Chinese. It also support cutomized tags.
Plugin Name
Adds BBEdit markup to excerpts.
Bloglovin Follow
Allows the user to display their Bloglovin Follow button in posts/pages/ custom post types or in a widget.
Bake Posts
Bake Post can be used to display recent posts and posts from particular category and tags. (Not compatible for Multisites)
Allows you to insert short, handcrafted peices of content into a post, page, or template. Uses the shortcode API
Character Count Excerpt
Generate automated excerpts using character count instead of word count. New Reading setting to specify length.
Custom Excerpts
Related Links:
Column Posts
Display categories or posts in columns.
Content instead of the excerpt
Can will be displaying content instead of the excerpt content. Can specify to page (home, page, archive, single), category number and page number.
Dynamic Post Meta
The Dynamic Post Meta Plugin adds 6 shortcodes that allow you to add dynamic post meta data to your post content.
DP Excerpt
An advanced post excerpt plugin for WordPress.
Expandable Dashboard Recent Comments
Enables in-place expansion of excerpts in the admin dashboard 'Comments' section of the 'Activity' widget to view full comments.
Recent Comments Widget Plus
Provides custom recent comments widget with extra features such as display avatar, comment excerpt and much more!
Embed Post
Embed a Post within another Post or Page using [embed_post] shortcode.
Replace the [...] more link with custom text for each post, creating a specific call-to-action.