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Smart Email Alerts

开发者 eric.hauch
更新时间 2015年5月13日 15:40
PHP版本: 3.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.2.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


plugin email subscription newsletter tags categories amazon aweber mailchimp mailpoet auto newsletter email marketing newsletters subscribers email newsletter alerts signup notification author category follow campaign subscribe alert wysija follow button notifications autoresponder drip topics mandrill sendgrid emailing follow up email alerts subscribe2 Email Alert Followistic


1.0.1 1.0.10 1.0 1.0.2 1.0.3 1.0.4 1.0.5 1.0.6 1.0.7 1.0.8 1.0.9


Make your readers return - with Smart Email Alerts by Followistic. After installing the plugin your readers will find a nifty, fully customizable widget below your posts. It displays all the topics, the author and the categories of the respective post and allows your readers to select and subscribe via email to what they are most interested in on your site. Your subscribers automatically receive an email alert with a link when you publish a new post that interests them, and only then. Therefore, the opening and click rates of the notifications we send are a lot higher than what you would get with a standard newsletter. And to round it off, we added tons of incredibly helpful features: Get the plugin now and make your readers return. If you'd like some more info on Followistic, please click here.


Via admin: Via upload:


  • Example of Smart Email Alerts on a website with light background.
  • ...and it works just as well on a website with dark background.
  • Setup takes less than 2 minutes
  • Settings are simple and straightforward


What does this plugin do?

It places a nifty widget at the bottom of each of your posts listing the topics, the author and the categories. Your visitors can then select and subscribe via email to exactly what they are interested in. When you publish a new post of relevance, the respective subscribers will receive an email notification with a link to your post. Both the widget and the email notifications are fully customizable, so they'll match the look'n'feel of your website perfectly.

What happens with the email addresses?

All visitors subscribing to topics, authors or categories of your site will be confirmed via double opt-in. You will be able to access the email addresses collected (feature currently under development) and they are only used by us to send notifications to your subscribers when you publish a new relevant post.

Why do I need to register?

Followistic is a comprehensive and neatly integrated system. It takes care of allowing your visitors to subscribe, delivering the alert notifications and showing you extensive statistics on everything. To be able to provide you this level of functionality and service we need some basic information from you such as your email address and the URL of your WP installation. And that is what the registration is for.

Is there a limit to the number of subscribers?

Each email address that has been confirmed via double opt-in by its owner counts as a single subscriber. Followistic is totally free for up to 250 subscribers who can subscribe to as many topics, authors and categories as they like. Also, the number of email notifications is not limited. Beyond 250 subscribers we offer fair monthly plans for websites of any size. You can check them out anytime here.

Does this plugin slow down my website?

Not at all. All the hard work happens on our servers and the widget loads asynchronously. Therefore you do not need to worry about any speed issues at all.

Will it blend into my site?

Totally! You can customize the widget to match the look'n'feel of your site perfectly. The same applies to the notifications: You can make them look as if you did them yourself.

Can I use it on multiple domains?

Sure, the only thing you have to do is setup a different account for each domain. You'll get a separate API key for each domain then.

I have an idea for a feature, could you please add that?

We'd love to hear your thoughts on additional features and improvements. You can reach us anytime at


1.0.10 Release Date - 13th May, 2015 1.0.9 Release Date - 3rd March, 2015 1.0.8 Release Date - 12th February, 2015 1.0.7 Release Date - 3rd February, 2015 1.0.6 Release Date - 13th January, 2015 1.0.5 Release Date - 13th January, 2015 1.0.4 Release Date - 13th January, 2015 1.0.3 Release Date - 13th January, 2015 1.0.2 Release Date - 22nd December, 2014 1.0.1 Release Date - 3rd December, 2014 1.0.0 Release Date - 1st December, 2014