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follow button
Add Follow Button For Pintrest
Pinterest follow button plugin give an ability to maximize your followers of Pinterest account.
Social Media Follow Buttons Bar
Easily and safely add a smart bar with social media follow buttons (not share, only links to your social media profiles) to any place (post content, page content, widget, sidebar, header, footer) of your WordPress website.
Buffer Social Widget - Social Feed widgets for sidebar/footer area.
WP Share and Like Social Media Buttons (Facebook Like Button, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Xing, LinkedIn, Social Google+, Tumblr)
Your Favorite Social Media Share and Like Buttons Plugin / Widget for WP. Twitter, Facebook Like Button, Google+, Pinterest, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Xing
Feeds For Twitter
Embed Twitter Timeline/Feed, Post, Video, Hashtag, Follow Button, Tweet Button easily. This plugin is lightweight but super powerful.
Single Tweets Widget
Single Tweets Widget is wordpress widget though which you will able to show your twitter post on anywhere of your wordpress website.
Plugin Name
Smart Email Alerts
Enable your readers to subscribe to custom email alerts for all the topics, authors and categories of your website.
Social Subscribe - Follow Buttons
This plugin provides a widget to show a youtube subscribe button. Also number of youtube subscribers can be displayed.
Plugin Name
Official Twitter and Periscope plugin for WordPress. Embed content and grow your audience. Requires PHP 5.4 or greater.
Twitter follow button in coments
Allow your visitors to add their twitter.
Twitter Follow Button Shortcode and Widget
Create Twitter follow buttons either by using shortcode or use WordPress widgets to place follow button on your blog sidebars.
TT Like & Follow for WP-Multisite
TT Like & Follow for WP-Multisite gives you the chance to add basic Social Network features to your installation.
Display Latest Tweets
A widget that displays your latest tweets from your twitter account. This plugin is compatible with the new Twitter API 1.1