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Social Networking & E-commerce

开发者 Themecrest
更新时间 2011年6月16日 20:40
PHP版本: 2.8 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.0.1


post google widget posts plugin sidebar links page comments profile pages login buddypress admin images social social network network facebook posting twitter link signin signup users user avatar comment register linkedin commenting logout lost password networking directory gravatar avatars pretty link friends facebook wall friend themecrest prettylink pretty-link buddy-press buddy press



The simplest way to turn your WordPress website into a Social Network comparable to Facebook or LinkedIn. social makes it easy to create a social network for your family, church, business or even a premium membership site! social uses your standard WordPress website and standard WordPress theme to create your Social Network instantly. So go ahead and try it out--give your users a more social experience on your website today! & also it provides functionality for E-commerce. Features


  1. Upload '' to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Create pages that are "Wall", "Info", "Inbox", "Profile", "Profile Settings", "Photo", "Friends", "Friend Requests" and "Find Friends" for Social Networking, & create pages that are Product Page, Checkout, Purchase History for E-commerce -- and then configure social to use them in the social menu. If you have any issues please post something here:
( or you can post at