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Taxonomy Extra Tools

开发者 3dolab
更新时间 2015年3月14日 16:05
PHP版本: 3.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.1
版权: GPLv2


menu permalink taxonomy title custom post types custom post type post type post types archive nav menu custom taxonomy


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.41


Taxonomy Extra Tools makes you able to: Custom Taxonomies and Post Types must be registered/created previously: the Types plugin is strongly recommended. The Categories Images plugin can be used to add/assign images to categories and custom taxonomies. Make sure the permalink rewrite structure works as expected by checking through the Rewrite Rules Inspector plugin. banner image by Proyecto Agua


  1. Upload 'taxonomy-extra-tools' to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Check the settings administration menu


  • the root Taxonomy Archive page @ =>
  • the Admin Settings page
  • the Title Filter in action, the Recent Extras and Current Terms widgets


How can I display a proper title in the taxonomy archive pages?

This plugin automatically applies a filter to the HTML title tag shown in the browser bar, compatibility with the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast is further improved with the additional %%taxonomy_name%% replacement. As for the taxonomy archive page, it really depends on the theme in use. First you basically need a proper taxonomy.php template file just as archive.php or category.php in your theme's directory. Then you can check against the conditional tag is_tax_root_archive() or the global variable $tet_bingo and set the title in the template as the taxonomy name, instead of the term title or whatever. You can directly copy the taxonomy.php files provided in this plugin's /template subdirectory to your Twenty Fourteen / Thirteen / Twelve folder or use them as a reference in customizing other themes.

How can I style the terms output displayed in the taxonomy archive root page?

Hook to the filters tet_term_display_before, tet_term_display_output, tet_term_display_after applied to the function tet_taxonomy_archive_show_children_terms: quite like the native get_the_term_list, but it does run automatically at loop start and with more parameters ($term_link, $term_object, $taxonomy, $index, $count, $max_num_pages, $parent, $show_meta)

How can I display the taxonomy terms and/or extra post type entries, related to the current post, only in posts?

Add the corresponding widgets from the admin screen, check the "current post" option and then set the visibility accordingly (through Jetpack, Widget Logic or other similar functions).

How can I select custom post types as recipients of the "Extra" post types?

Unfortunately, no other type than the default post can be selected: this is meant as a simple connection feature, while the Posts 2 Posts plugin is better suited to create more complex many-to-many relationships between posts of any type and users.

How can I display the taxonomies associated to a certain post?

You can directly use the function tet_render_taxonomies( $classes, $taxonomies, $tax_separator, $term_separator, $link, $echo, $limit, $show_meta ) or wrap and hook it to a filter, with additional filters available (tet_render_taxonomies_link, tet_render_taxonomies_sep,tet_render_taxonomies_sep2)


0.41 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1