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开发者 tealium
更新时间 2024年4月15日 22:09
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.5.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


analytics tag manager tag management data layer data object tealium


1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.0 2.1.13 2.1.14 2.1.3 2.1.5 1.5.1 2.0 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.10 2.1.11 2.1.12 1.1 2.1.15 2.1.16 2.1.2 2.1.4 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.1.8 2.1.9


Features Allows users to easily add the Tealium tag without editing any template files. A data layer is added to your WordPress website containing: About Tealium Tealium is the leader in enterprise tag management, serving some of the most demanding customers in the world. Tealium's web-based services make it easy for digital marketers to deploy and manage their third-party vendor tags, and then correlate the data those tags generate into an actionable source. Using Tealium, organizations can streamline their digital marketing operations, improve web site performance, cut costs, and power their big data initiatives. The company differentiates itself through ease of use, scale and performance, and fanatical customer support. Select clients include Petco, A+E Networks, Fox Networks Group, Urban Outfitters, and many more! More than ever, today's marketers are turning to digital solutions to improve efficiency and results. Tags – commonly known as tracking pixels – are becoming the data collection mechanism of choice, leaving marketers reliant on them to gather the right data about visitor activity and take action to improve their experience. But the process of deploying and managing vendor tags can be a nightmare for marketers, due to the technical nature associated with tagging, heavy costs, impact on site performance, and the dependence of IT resources to make changes. Tealium puts digital marketers in control of their online solutions, making it easy to add, edit, or remove any vendor without requesting assistance from IT. In addition, Tealium provides a rich source of all of an organization's digital data to help marketers improve the effectiveness of their customer acquisition campaigns.


To install: Optional steps:


  • A data object is added to your site containing basic post or page data.
  • The plugin also takes categories and tags...
  • ...and rolls them into the data object.
  • Custom fields and other meta data is also supported.
  • Many existing WordPress plugins make use of meta data, so your data object should be rich with potential variables.
  • Advanced settings allow a number of options to be configured and features enabled.
  • The bulk export feature allows you to quickly import your WordPress variables into Tealium.


2.1.16 Bugfix - Outdated use of join() on admin page impacting PHP 8 users. Bugfix - Corrected issue where user roles were assumed to begin at 0. 2.1.15 Fixed a bug where the iQ tag was inserted into some sitemap plugins. Thanks to for providing the fix. 2.1.14 Added the role of the current WP user to the data layer. This will allow role-based load rules in TiQ. 2.1.13 WooCommerce product data updates. Be aware that some data WooCommerce source/variable names have changed. Product data is now prefixed with product_, cart with cart_ and order with order_. 2.1.12 Add post ID to data layer. 2.1.11 AMP bug fix. Workaround for a bug in a 3rd-party AMP plugin. 2.1.10 Add support for alternative utag_data namespace. Fix issue with tag injection despite AMP. 2.1.9 Add translation support and template. Move data layer above sync file. 2.1.8 Fix issues with WooCommerce support. Bug fix with key name conversion. 2.1.7 Improve search result count performance. 2.1.6 Switch from 'Data Sources' to 'Variables' to align with TiQ. Update the order that notes and aliases appear in bulk export. 2.1.5 Bug fixes, prevent tags from being served on admin pages, fix admin message styling issue and add more order data for WooCommerce. 2.1.4 Added the option to exclude WordPress meta data. 2.1.3 Add tag and category archive specific page types and post titles. Added the option to use EU only CDN nodes. 2.1.2 Change name parameter location to match TiQ update. 2.1.1 Added pretty printing of JSON object for older versions of PHP. Add name parameter on bulk variable export. 2.1 Added DNS prefetching option. 2.0 Updated UI, many new features. Now only requires account/profile/environment details - manually pasting in code from the code center is still supported. 1.5.1 Upgrade to add search result count to data layer. Hooks to allow the data object and Tealium tag to be modified by theme/plugin developers. New tag location setting (after opening head tag). Camel Case and underscore data layer style options. 1.5 Upgrade to add search result count to data layer. Hooks to allow the data object and Tealium tag to be modified by theme/plugin developers. New tag location setting (after opening head tag). Camel Case and underscore data layer style options. ** Important ** - If you wish to continue using the Camel Case data style please check that your configuration option corresponds to this choice. 1.4 Exclusions bug fix, upgrade advised. 1.3 New features include configurable tag location and WooCommerce support. 1.2 Upgrade to enable data object exclusions. 1.1 Migrate from capabilities to roles. Upgrade recommended. 1.0 Initial release.


What data is currently included in the data object?

  • Site name
  • Site description
  • Post ID
  • Post date
  • Post categories
  • Post tags
  • All post meta data, including custom fields
  • Search terms
  • Number of search results
  • Current user role

What are the Tealium tag location options?

  • After opening body tag (recommended)
  • Header - Before closing head tag
  • Footer - Before closing body tag
  • Immediately after the opening head tag

Is WooCommerce supported?

WooCommerce stores product information as meta data, so by default your data object will be rich with data on product pages. Version 1.3 adds basic support for cart contents information in the data object.

Can I add to the data layer dynamically using PHP code?

This can be achieved calling the 'tealium_addToDataObject' action from your themes functions.php file or a separate plugin. For more information see the action examples on GitHub.

Can I automatically switch between Tealium environments on my dev/live website?

This can be achieved by conditionally modifying the Tealium tag code by calling the 'tealium_tagCode' action from your themes functions.php file or a separate plugin. For more information see the action examples on GitHub.


2.1.16 2.1.15 2.1.14 2.1.13 2.1.12 2.1.11 2.1.10 2.1.9 2.1.8 2.1.7 2.1.6 2.1.5 2.1.4 2.1.3 2.1.2 2.1.1 2.1 2.0 1.5.1 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0