Select the crop position of your thumbnails. Wordpress crops thumbnails of images through the center, which does not always give us the desired results. This plugin allows you to select the crop position of images from Wordpress uploader.
This update were made by Grégory Viguier (
ScreenfeedFr). Thanks Grégory.
- The PHP class is now in a separated file, so it is included only in the administration pages (and removed the create_function(), bad for the php cache).
- Globally, use a more "WordPress way" for some parts of the code.
- SECURITY: better sanitization of the option, check user capability, and add a nonce for the ajax call.
- Minify css, js and images (js and css dev. versions still presents).
- HTML: remove useless divs, adjust some classes.
- CSS: use existing WordPress styles for the buttons, simpler but same look.
- JS: no more inline scripts (onclick), change button active state only on valid response, add a loading state.
- Translation: use native translations (left, right, center) and add French translation.
- Fixed a bug that showed a text in the footer of posts.
- Corrected load of plugin.
- CSS improvement.