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All Media Tags
Adds a "Media Tag" taxonomy to media library items to help improve native WordPress search.
Plugin Name
Activate Plugin and Select a MooTools CDN via the WP MooTools CDN options area
Plugin Name
This plugin allows you to upload Word, Powerpoint and Excel files through the media library uploader.
BH Book Recommendations
Provides shortcode and widget for displaying book recommendations from RSS feed.
Seo File Names
Seo File Names aims to save you time and boost your SEO by automatically renaming the files you upload to the media library with SEO friendly names.
Category class
Here is a library for developpers which help them to use categories and posts whithin a simple class.
Quickly create and embed individual code snippet posts. Access the snippet post directly, view raw, or show all snippets in an archive list.
Click is an MVC library for developers with advanced support for HAML, SASS, ActiveRecord, and other modern programming methodologies.
Code Snippet Library
Store a library of reusable code snippets that you can add to any post. Supports 61 programming languages.
DeMomentSomTres WP Admin GTM
Share the books you've read with your readers, family, & friends. Never again receive a book you've already read as a gift!
Provide some simple functionality to register some hooks that could not register inside the WordPress themes
Delete Thumbnails
Find and delete thumbnails & resized images from your Media Library
DeMomentSomTres Resource Library
Provides an additional custom type Resources to manage any kind of resources.
DeMomentSomTres Tools
Gallery Widget
Simple widget to show the latest/random images of the WordPress media library as a Widget, using a shortcode or directly with a php-function.
Elementor Ico Iconfont Library
Adds Ico iconfont items to default Icon Library of Elementor.
Epic Post Type
A library for the creation of Custom Post Types, Custom Taxonomies, and Custom MetaBoxes on an EPIC Scale.
Extra Attachment Fields
Add extra custom fields to attachments at media library.
GI-Media Library
GI-Media Library enables you to display your course/media library in tabular form without the effort of custom creating html tables & layout.