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Plugin Varnish Purges

开发者 Olivier Dupuis
更新时间 2011年6月6日 19:32
PHP版本: 2.9.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.1.1


caching speed cache performance varnish purge plugins support



Based on Varsnish plugins by pkhamre, wfelipe, eitch, but heavily forked for extensibility. WordPress Varnish Purges is a plugin that purges new and edited content, it's intent is to be usable for a multi-site installation, to support all necessary purge orders for wordpress and to be expandable via extensions. This plugin purges your varnish cache it's intent is do do it for any action taken. This plugin supports what is called extensions that can be added to add special purges for specific wordpress plugins. This plugins is mainly aimed at multi-sites installations (but can be used on a mono site installation) and requires some knowledge about varnish and vcl files.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
  1. Upload wp-varnish/ to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. a wordpress.vcl is provided, it contains directives for wordpresse's core. Modify it according to your platform/needs.
  4. few extensions have additionnal vcl needs (such as wp-touch for useragent normalization), those files are located in the plugins directory. Additionnal informations are provided with those files.


  • 0.93: configuration has become network wide, reconfigure it after upgrade via admin menu of the site
  • 0.92 : Regression after renaming : default parameters where incorrectly set.
  • if update from 0.92, just a normal update
  • 0.91 : deactivate v0.9 on network, then uninstall the plugins. Then install 0.91 from scratch. This is due to intense renaming to avoid conflicts with original WP-Varnish plugin.
  • 0.9: initial release, deactivate WP-Varnish


When will be V1.0 be relased

This plugin will be in fully tested V1.0 by end of may 2011.

Does this just work?

Yes. Exdtensivly tested in multi-site with sub-domain install. But has to be tested in non sub-domain (

But how should my varnish configuration file look like?

I have provided a simple VCL that can be used as a reference.

Does it work for Multi-Site (or WPMU)?

Yes. Activating the plugin site-wide will provide the functionality to all blogs. Edit wp-config.php and include these lines just before "That's all, stop editing!" message:

global $varnish_servers; $varnish_servers = array('',''); define('VARNISH_SHOWCFG',1);
The varnish servers array will configure multiple servers for sending the purges. If VARNISH_SHOWCFG is defined, configuration will be shown to all users who access the plugin configuration page (but they can't edit it).


0.95 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.9