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W2E Image Optimizer and Resize Image - Wordpress Image Compression and SEO

开发者 way2enjoy
更新时间 2018年11月20日 18:28
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


image image optimizer resize image resize optimize compress image compression lossy image optimiser lossless compress image compress pdf optimize image wordpress image optimizer compress jpg compress png


1.1 1.7.2 1.9.2 2.0.4 1.0.1 1.0.2 1.0.3 1.0.4 1.0.5 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.7 1.7.1 1.8 1.8.1 1.8.2 1.8.3 1.8.4 1.8.5 1.8.6 1.8.7 1.9 1.9.1 1.9.3 1.9.4 1.9.5 1.9.6 1.9.7 1.9.8 1.9.9 2.0.1 2.0.2 2.0.3 2.0.5 2.0.6


Must Try W2E Image Optimizer here (no e-mail required) Minutely crafted for performance & superior quality image compression, 1000 credit/month(unused credit will be carried forward). 24x7 friendly Chat, Pricing Way2enjoy image optimizer can resize, optimize or optimise and compress jpg, png, gif, pdf, mp3, svg, webp, mp4, avi, mov etc all image, music and video files. W2E image optimizer supports svg upload to add svg, generate webp images, check google page speed score, smart crop, leverage browser caching, enable gzip compression, check server speed as well to improve seo and sales without loss of quality 100% free image optimizer for NGO, Plugin/Theme Developers, Translators 1000 lossy or lossless rollover credit every month.5 star image compression Plugin to optimise image incl thumbs. No signup/ No API key. Lots of images to optimize ? just schedule, W2E image optimizer will optimize images in background. No api key, No signup. Enjoy lossless or lossy logic which ensures high quality compressed images. Large unoptimized images can slow down site load speed if images are not optimized with best image optimizer. If site is slow and images are large or unoptimized, let’s resize it and scale down to specified size and smush it with W2E.No signup/ No API key Why Way2enjoy image optimizer is no1 choice for optimization need? [youtube] W2E image optimizer supports WooCommerce and nextgen image optimization W2E image optimizer uses best algorithm and blazing fast servers to quickly compress image and optimize image and cuts all the unnecessary data without slowing down your website and helps to boost seo and performance. W2E image optimizer asynchronously process every image you upload or already added and optimizes it without blocking upload process. Quality of compressed images can be changed from setting page of way2enjoy image optimiser. Default(lossy) setting always ensures best image compression quality/size ratio but added as google pagespeed was recommending image compression for already optimized images. Google pagespeed recommendation is based on quality 70 and not best for image quality(Good for speed as size will be less but visitor may not like. So choose Google or Visitor) so compress image based on default setting.Only applicable for jpg optimizer and ignores png optimizer and gif optimizer output. W2E image optimizer can compress pdf. You can even compress mp3 also. Try few images online & compress images and optimize them.Image compressor API. W2E image optimizer can compress jpeg, jpg, png, gif, pdf, mp3, mp4, avi, mov, mpeg etc and svg formats. The faster site load means more Google, Bing, Yahoo and search engines love. Site will load faster and rank higher so compress pictures now with W2E image optimizer. Compatible with Media gallery or any slider. W2E image optimizer can compress pdf, mp3 and optimize image files even if images aren’t listed in Media Library like those in galleries of NextGEN gallery, FooGallery, other galleries, sliders, WooCommerce, WP Retina 2x, WP Offload S3, WP All Import, WP Media Folder, WPML, all media gallery, slider or added directly via FTP!. Both lossy and lossless image compression is available to optimize photos. Test image compression here We care about the quality and our algorithm takes care of photographers and they can optimize jpg. Logo/icon designer can optimize png and animation experts can optimize gif without any hesitation. Optimized images ensure better user experience, better PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix results, better seo, better Google PageRank so optimize pictures now. W2E image optimizer can reduce image size of jpg, png, svg, gif, mp3, mp4, mov, avi and pdf file types. JPG Optimization Level compress jpg images with either of these two.Default is lossy. Available for two types of image compression: PNG Optimization compress png images with either of these two.Default is lossy: GIF Optimization compress gif images with either of these two.Default is lossy: PDF Optimization Level compress pdf with either of two.Default is lossy: Webp Generation from jpg, png & gif images Generate webp images with lossy compression Smart Crop Image crop images smartly. 快速入门指南: About Way2enjoy image minifier
Features of W2E image optimizer:
  • seo friendly Image Optimisation.
  • optimize image incl svg
  • convert png, jpg and gif to webp images
  • lossless compression without losing image quality
  • lossy compression with minimal loss of quality
  • bulk image optimization to optimize more than one image at once
  • optimize pdf files
  • svg support so upload svg files and optimize svg automatically
  • optimize mp3 files
  • shrink JPEG, PNG, GIF files automatically with built in resize image option so dont need any other plugin like imsanity
  • optimize thumbnails, featured images
  • optimise video files
  • Schedule image optimization
  • No signup/ No API key
Install Way2enjoy image optimizer now and find out why its highly rated image optimiser plugin for WordPress.No signup/ No API key. share a word.
Testimonials:\ ★★★★★ Image Optimizer does what it says on the box, Compresses Images and Resizes images beautifully. Its a Cool pice of kit and a synch to use. 10/10 I’ve paid good money for apps that are not nearly as good as this. I am happy. patroyce\ ★★★★★ The best plug in so far, easy to use, powerful, not expensive.Thank you for a job well Done.[adviti678]\ ★★★★★ It works out of the box – very nice jose-luis-yanez\ ★★★★★ Loved it worldofrath\ ★★★★★ Great plugin.** naushad44\ more testimonials
W2E image optimizer can compress svg (lossy) ,You can enable svg support.


  1. Visit *Plugins > Add New
  2. Search for Keywords: image optimizer and look for way2enjoy press 'Install Now'
  3. Activate the plugin.
  4. Go to Settings > Way2enjoy Photo Optimizer page .
  5. No need of any API/Signup our plugin works immediately after you activate.
  6. Just start compressing.
  7. Basic details (website name, email address etc) will be shared with us.
  8. Go to Media > Way2enjoy Image optimizer and optimize all your images using compress all button
  1. Download the plugin by searching keyword optimise image and look for plugin named 'W2E image optimiser' by 'Way2Enjoy'. For Mac Users\ *In Download folder locate folder way2enjoy-compress-images. Right-click and select Compress. Now you have .zip file *
  2. Upload the way2enjoy-compress-images directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory,
  3. Activate the plugin and enjoy image optimization
  4. Go to the Settings > Way2enjoy image optimizer page and enjoy.No need of any API/Signup
  5. Go to Media > Way2enjoy Image optimizer and optimize images by clicking on compress all!


  • It will automatically compress image, pdf, video and mp3 files
  • Previously uploaded images can be optimized with **one click** in Bulk. click on compress all and optimize images, pdf and mp3 files
  • Uploaded images are automatically being optimized by W2E image optimizer.
  • Two columns added by plugin: **original image** and **Way2enjoy Stats**, as well as the new **Optimize This Image** button which is present for images which already exist in media library. Stats and optimization type are shown for optimized images.
  • Bulk optimizer aka the "Compress All" which appears as an overlay.Check on radio and select images and compress image by clicking apply.
  • Webp conversion from jpg, png & gif images


Blazing fast site with way2enjoy which can compress video, optimise mp3, resize image cum auto shrink image (as image size increases after you resize image) either with lossy technique or lossless


Can I test w2e image optimizer compression?

Yes, 1000 images/month is always free, You can compress image, mp3, pdf, video, svg also.

Will optimized images remain on my blog if I uninstall?

Yes, they will. W2E image optimizer simply replaces original with optimized image


Unoptimized images will appear in Way2enjoy image optimizer dashboard. You can compress image with one click.just click on compress all button and all images will be optimized.

What is the difference between Way2enjoy optimizer and other image compression plugins such as Optimus, shortpixel, ewww, wp smush, imagify, kraken, resmush and tinypng Compress jpeg & png images/ tinyjpg?

Way2enjoy image optimizer finds precise balance between image quality and file size reduction. Plugin utilizes various mechanisms to optimize pictures and ensures that result cannot be distinguished by the human eye, so plugin will outperform other plugins

Which formats can be optimized?

W2E image optimizer can compress jpg, png, gif images. It can compress pdf and MP3 files also. upload svg support is added so your svg can be uploaded and compressed

can i do keyword analysis for images?

W2E image optimizer is image optimization tool and does not support keyword analysis.

Should I continue optimizing and resizing with Photoshop?

Dont waste resizing and optimizing images in Photoshop. Plugin will reduce image size automatically!

Why way2enjoy image optimizer credit is number instead of size ?

It depends on algorithm. for example Optimus image optimizer, shortpixel image optimizer, ewww image optimizer, tinypng(compress jpeg & png images) counts each image as 1 credit however imagify image optimizer, kraken etc credit varies with size. WP Smush Image Compression and Optimization , resmush image optimizer, robin image optimizer does not do either.

Google Pagespeed Insights still says my images need compressing and resizing?

Try lossy as it will save more. Scale down images. Scaling images just by setting width and height under resize image setting can save space and reduce image loading time. Decide right size and scale images down. Google pagespeed Insights decide based on quality 70 and we tries to reduce image size ensuring best possible visual quality. Ignore google pagespeed warning else manually change the default quality setting.

How does the plugin work?

Way2enjoy image optimizer sends original images to Cloud for compression then downloads optimized images and unoptimized originals/thumbs are replaced with compressed images.

Do you optimize images in cloud?

Images processsed by w2e image optimizer are optimized in Cloud so no load on your site.

What is image compression?

Image compression is a type of data compression applied to digital images, to reduce their cost for storage or transmission. W2E image optimizer algorithms take advantage of visual perception and the statistical properties of image data to provide superior results

Payment methods?

PayPal, Bitcoin, Payoneer.

What is diff between baseline image and progressive JPEG?

Baseline image starts loading from top to bottom and progressive JPEG loads from low quality to high quality so without loading of full image, preview can be seen almost instantly. For websites, where loading time is most important factor, progressive images are preferred. Our image compression algorithm generates progressive jpeg.

How much is a credit?

Each time way2enjoy image optimizer optimizes an image or thumbnail credit is used. If we are unable to optimize image or thumbnail then no credit

Lossy or Lossless?

Lossy conversion is best as it will shrink image more at minimal loss. Lossless conversion will result in minor saving.With lossless google pagespeed will give warning so prefer lossy but every website is unique so decide between lossy and lossless. Lossless will give 2-7% saving compared to lossy huge saving(upto 90%).

Does optimizing images affect my ALT tags?

No, W2E image optimizer only optimize images.If width and height for resizing image is set, then we resize image in addition to compressing images.

Does sites like facebook, twitter, reddit, pinterest, youtube and amazon uses image optimisation ?

Almost all sites uses image optimisation to speedup site loading time and performance.W2E image optimizer quality is comparable to these companies.

How to enable svg support ?

SVG files are vector images which scales well. In setting enable svg support which will allow you to upload svg files. You can disable anytime and svg support will be blocked. Tick it again to add svg files.

How to include webp images ?

You can replace img tags with picture tags to include webp images.

What is difference between JPEG, PNG and GIF images and how they are compressed ?

PNG can hold transparency of images,so it can be put on any frame and it will adjust in that image or block. We compress png with utmost care and maintains transparency even with lossy. GIF images can hold animation so when you need animation, choose gif format. We use best algorithm to compress gif and ensures that animation works. JPG or JPEG images are most widely used image format. Plugin decides optimum balance automatically to compress jpg so that you get best quality and best compression together.

Is it free ?

1000 images/month to compress and all unused credit will be carried forward.Refer and earn 2500 free credit instantly free of cost to both sites. Need more?? W2E image optimizer is affordable.

optimize or optimise?

It depends. But whether you pronounce optimize, optimise, optimizer, crunch, minify, reducer or reduce size for better speed,seo and performance all are synonyms.

How does video optimizer works ?

W2E image optimizer optimizes all video format. credit for video optimization and mp3 optimization are dynamic and not like image where 1 credit is used

It will work in localhost?


How does W2E image optimizer scheduling works

Say You have 10000 images, it requires time to optimize, just use W2E image optimizer schedule feature. Allow plugin to run every 60/120/300/600/900/1800/3600/86400 seconds all in background.Check the magic after few hours and W2E image optimizer just optimized all images.

更新日志: 2.0.6 2.0.2 2.0.1 1.9.9 1.9.2 1.9.1 1.8.2 1.8 1.7.1 1.7 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0.1