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Smaller Images, Faster Sites, Happier Visitors. Comprehensive image optimization that doesn't require a degree in rocket science.
A WordPress plugin that allows you to reduce image file sizes and optimize all images in the media library.
ImageRecycle image & PDF compression. Make WordPress loads faster by using an automatic image and PDF optimization.
Image Optimizer by 10Web optimizes and preserves image quality. Improve your website speed, bounce rate, and SEO with Image Optimizer.
Smaller Images, Faster Sites, Happier Visitors. Comprehensive image optimization that doesn't require a degree in rocket science.
Try image Optimizer. Compress and optimize image,PDF,MP3 by w2e image compressor. Resize image, compress image by lossy/lossless image optimization.
This plugin allows you to compress and optimize your WordPress images through the CheetahO API. Your website will be faster, keeping the images high quality.
Squidge is a FREE WordpPress Plugin built for developers in mind compressing and convert images using jpegoptim, optipng, cwebp, and libavif. It's extremley simple to use and is designed to increase PSI and boost rankings.
Optimize your images the right way—maintain the quality of your resized images.
Lossless image compression now offers audio and video compression! Why sacrifice quality for Google PageSpeed, get both.
A WordPress plugin that uses jpegoptim and optipng to compress images during upload, allowing you to override the compression level and quality on a per-image basis. It will compress the thumbnails that WordPress generates but will leave the original file intact, so that you can safely restore your changes if necessary. In order to use Slimage, you need to have jpegoptim and optipng installed on your server.