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WebFacing™ - Email Accounts management for cPanel®

开发者 knutsp
更新时间 2025年1月11日 06:12
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 8.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.1
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


backup email membership cpanel auto-reply


2.0 3.2 4.6 4.2 1.6.6 1.7 5.0 1.1.3 1.2 1.5 3.1 1.3 1.4 1.8.4 1.9 1.9.4 4.8 2.2 2.3 2.4 4.5 2.6 2.5 2.7 2.9 4.9 2.8 3.0 3.3 2.1 3.4 4.0 4.1 4.3 4.4 5.1 4.7 5.2 5.3


🕸️ By WebFacing™. Read, send, show, manage, list, create, add, remove or delete email accounts, old messages, forwarders and autoresponders. One click read, send and manage all your emails without a login step. Update notification recipients. Backup and download your complete cPanel® account. This plugin requires your site is hosted on a cPanel® equipped server. It uses it's UAPI through shell access by default, or via HTTP API. Using without shell_exec initially requires a temporary access token generated in the cPanel® native interface.


  • Your page button example using Webmail block or shortcode `[wf_cpanel_email_webmail]` (text and styling friendly, filterable CSS classes)
  • Batch Entry
  • Add forwarders (aliases), failures or full accounts
  • Email sendt to existing email upon new account creation (optional)
  • Your page button example using Webmail block or shortcode `[wf_cpanel_email_webmail]` (text and styling friendly, filterable CSS classes)
  • Batch Entry
  • Add forwarders (aliases), failures or full accounts
  • Email sendt to existing email upon new account creation (optional)


Does this (free) plugin limit the it's use in any way?

  • Yes, in bulk entry of new forwaders and new accounts is considered a just trial for the Pro Edition, not included or supported in free plugin after being used once
  • No, in spite the that it will ask you, in a standard, dismissable admin notice, to consider the Pro addon after 20 new forwarders, or 10 new accounts, per week, it doesn't stop you from continuing to add more

The latest version has a regression and don't work as well as it did in previous version, but other things are fixed and I like the new features, what can I do?

Please, immediately download and reinstall the previous version from the Advanced tab here, observe that the new issues are no longer present, then post in the support forum here.

Does this plugin add database tables, store many options, crons/scheduled tasks, custom post type content or lines to wp-config.php or write to any existing file?

No, no, no, no, and no. It stores transients, and, in case they are stored in the database (no persistent object cache), automatically deletes the expired ones from the options table. Account backup files are stored. If access tokens are created, then their names, corresponding host name, and which one is active, are stored as an option.

Does it require my login information to cPanel® or store any account passwords?

No. Nope. You may manually enter an API token in wp-config.php in case the shell_exec function is disabled.

Can it be used to serve my users or members on a frontend page?

Yes. Use the shortcode [wf_cpanel_email_webmail]. Many parametres for users, many filters the defaults, for developers. See `includes/ShortCode.php´ for details.

Does it work with WP Multisite Network?

Yes. Subsite admin access is then limited by default (filterable option). Unreliable site admin user separation may occur. = Can it manage other cPanel® instances than the one my site is on? Yes. You need three constants (you must declare or define them in ´wp-config.php´ or in another plugin) WF_CPANEL_HOST, WF_CPANEL_USER and (temporarily) WF_CPANEL_API_TOKEN

Does it work without being on cPanel®?


Can I contribute to this plugin?

Yes, please. Use the support forum for feedback, reports and suggestions.

Can I contact you by email for support, maybe with screen shots, or ask for new features that I need?

No, please use the support forum here if not using the Pro Addon. = Can I contact you by email to suggest a new feature that I believe to be useful for many and I can describe a use case for? Yes, use

Can I donate to the continued maintenance and further development of this plugin?

  • Report bugs or suggest enhancements or new features in the Support forum.
  • Use the Donate button on the right sidebar on this page.


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