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开发者 florianziegler
更新时间 2023年7月25日 23:41
PHP版本: 3.9 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.6
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


widget dashboard meta shortcode users user location travel timezone usermeta digitalnomad nomad


0.3.0 0.4.0 0.5.0 0.5.5 0.5.6 0.6.1 0.7.0 0.2.0 0.7.1


Each user can save his/her current location and the corresponding time (zone). The information is stored as user meta data. The Whereabouts widget displays the location and time (zone) of a specified user (select user in the widget options). You can - of course - add multiple widgets to show more than one user/location. Dashboard-Widget Each user can comfortably set her/his current location directly on the WordPress dashboard. A little help from Google Activate the use of the Google Geocoding and Timezone API in the settings: You can then use the browser's geolocation API to determine your location, and the Plugin will automatically fetch the time zone of your whereabouts. Want to use another location? Just type in a location name and the plugin will get all the relevant information for you. You can also set the language in which the results of the api requests are returned. 必需条件 技术支持 站点 撰稿人


  1. Upload the whereabouts folder to your /wp-content/plugins directory.
  2. Activate the "Whereabouts" plugin in the WordPress administration interface.
  3. Go to "Settings" -> "Whereabouts" and activate "Use Google to get location data", enter you API key and set the "API Request Language".
  4. On the dashboard, set your location.
  5. Go to "Appearance" -> "Widgets" and add a Wherebouts widget to a sidebar of your choosing. (You have the options to chose the user, whose location you want to display, link the location to Google Maps and display the time zone name.)
Please note: The widget will only be displayed if the specified user has set his/her location. 形象 There is no extra styling for the widget. You can however do it yourself, in your theme. This is what the HTML looks like: ` Current Location: ... Local Time: 12:34 ... ` 代码 You can also generate this HTML code anywhere in your theme by using this shortcode: [whereabouts user="2" link_location="1" time_format="H:i" show_tz="1"] You need to enter a valid user id and the specified user must have saved his/her location for the widget to be displayed. 过滤 There is a filter available to change the html output of the widget/shortcode: whab_widget_output Three argument variables are availabe: You could use it in your theme's functions.php like this: ` add_filter( 'whab_widget_output', 'my_function_to_change_location_widget', 10, 3 ); function my_function_to_change_location_widget( $output, $args, $location ) { $output = ' ' . $location['location_name'] . ', '; $output .= date( $args['time_format'], time() + $location['utc_difference'] ); if ( $args['show_tz'] ) { $output .= ' (' . $location['timezone_name'] . ')'; } return $output . ''; } ` This will change the html output to: <p class="my-location">Paris, France, 12:34 (Central European Standard Time)</p>


  • Customize the Whereabouts widget


Why am I not getting any results when I use my browser's geolocation api?

Usually it is a privacy issue: Make sure your browser and your website are allowed to use the location functionality of your device (eg. your smartphone). In general these settings are found in your device's privacy or location settings.

Upgrade from version 0.3.0

When you upgrade from 0.3.0 to a newer version, you have to (re) enter you location and (re) add the Whereabouts widget. Go to "Appearance > Widgets" and drag the Whereabouts widget to the sidebar of your choosing. From version 0.4.0 (or newer) the location is saved per user. You can choose the user, whose location you want to display, in the widget's options.


0.7.0 0.6.1 0.6.0 0.5.6 0.5.5 0.5.0 0.4.0 0.3.0 0.2.0 0.1.0