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WP Data Sync

开发者 kevin-brent
更新时间 2024年6月18日 03:04
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.9.0
版权: GPLv2
版权网址: 版权信息


woocommerce data transfer csv import data feed google forms google sheets sync products sync data api feed json feed data sync wp data sync




If you’re looking for a plugin to make data management and syncing for your WordPress websites easier, you’ve come to the right place. Our developer-friendly API supports a variety of data sources, including JSON, XML, CSV, Google Sheets, WordPress and WooCommerce websites. And, you can customize every data field, thanks to action and filter hooks already included in the plugin. You can also manipulate the data with conditional logic, create a single data string from multiple data fields, and much, much, more. How does it work? The WP Data Sync API is easy to set up and maintain. Map your data source with the data keys from your website and you are ready to go. If you need help mapping your data source, we have support experts available to help. Import data into your website from almost any data source. Users, posts, pages, products, or other custom post types. Once the data is set in your website, our API will keep the data up to date with the changes in your data feed. This can all be done without writing a single line of code. What if I want to know more? Here are a variety of links that we’ve found helpful in explaining our plugin and how to get started: WP Data Sync WP Data Sync Blog Developer Documentation - Getting Started Developer Documentation - Actions Developer Documentation - Filters Data Source Types ☑ JSON ☑ XML ☑ CSV ☑ FTP ☑ Webhook ☑ Google Sheets ☑ WordPress Website ☑ WooCommerce Website


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress Admin.
  3. Navigate to WP Admin > Settings > WP Data Sync.
  4. For WooCommerce Users - The WooCommerce plugin must be activated.


  • Critical Update - Bug fix for fatal error in Product Item Request
  • Critical Update - API endpoint versioning was added.


How does WP Data Sync work?

We process data in 3 steps:

  1. WP Data Sync uses our API to process raw data from your data source.
  2. WP Data Sync API syncs the data to your website.
  3. WP Data Sync plugin manages updates of the data in the WordPress website.

How many websites can I sync using the same data?

WP Data Sync API can sync the same data into as many websites as you like.

How many objects can I sync each month?

WP Data Sync can sync as many objects as you need. Your account is auto-scaled depending on how many objects you sync.

Is my data private or do other users have access to my data?

Your data is private to you. No one else has access to the data, except for the WP Data Sync team. We do not sell the data.

Is WP Data Sync developer friendly?

Yes. We have WordPress hooks and filters throughout the plugin to allow for almost any situation. Developer Documentation


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