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Wordpress Amazon S3 Plugin

开发者 imthiaz
更新时间 2023年3月17日 21:04
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.1.1
版权: LGPL
版权网址: 版权信息


Amazon CDN Media S3 Admin Uploads Mirror Performance Content Delivery Network Bandwidth


1.0 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.2 1.3 1.6


WP-S3 copies media files used in your blog post to Amazon S3 cloud. Uses only filters to replace the media urls in the post if media is available in the S3 cloud. Wordpress cron functionality is used for batching media upload to S3. This plugin is very safe and will not modify anything in your database.


  1. Copy plugin files to Wordpress wp-content/plugins folder
  2. Make sure you create a folder named 's3temp' in your media upload folder and make it writable.
  3. Activate the plugin
  4. Go to Amazon s3 page under plugins and set up your Amazon S3 credentials
  5. This plugin will not create any S3 buckets. You have to create the bucket with public read access and use the same
  6. The plugin will not work until all the configs are completed
  7. If anything goes wrong just de-active the plugin and blog should go back to its old state Theme & Plugin Developers can use these examples to make their theme / plugin assets load from CDN
To scan a full HTML Block for images, upload to CDN and replace them if uploaded. <?php if(class_exists('S3Plugin')){ $output = S3Plugin::scanForImages($output); } ?> To check if a single media needs to be uploaded to CDN and replaced if uploaded. <?php if(is_singular()){ $attachmentDetails = &get_children( "numberposts=1&post_type=attachment&post_mime_type=image&post_parent=" . get_the_ID() ); if(!empty ($attachmentDetails)){ $attachmentDetails = array_shift($attachmentDetails); $postImage = array_shift(wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachmentDetails->ID,'thumbnail')); if(class_exists('S3Plugin')){ $cdnImageURL = S3Plugin::getCDNURL($postImage); if($cdnImageURL!==FALSE){ $postImage = $cdnImageURL; } } } } ?>


No upgrade notices available


If I de-activate this plugin will it affect my blog?

No. This plugin does not change any content in your blog. All modification are done using Wordpress plugin filters on the fly.

Should I modify any code in Wordpress?

Not needed. You have to just upload the files

Can I manage my files in Amazon S3?

No. You cannot manage the files in Amazon S3 using this plugin.

What happens when I check clear cache option in the option?

The plugin will change the upload path prefix and clears all local upload que and cached media files. All the local media files are uploaded again. Please note the files already uploaded by this plugin in S3 has to be deleted manually. Please don't clear cache often, use only there is a plugin update / Wordpress update.

My fonts are not loading properly?

For fonts to work properly you need to make sure CORS is updated properly in your Amazon bucket.


Version: 1.6 Dated: 2023-03-17 Version: 1.5 Dated: 2018-04-06 Version: 1.4 Dated: 2018-04-06 Version: 1.3 Dated: 2014-04-25 Version: 1.2 Dated: 2013-08-20 Version: 1.1 Dated: 2013-08-20 Version: 1.0 Dated: 20-June-2010