Linux 软件免费装
BEAPI - Maintenance Mode
Puts your WordPress site into maintenance mode by sending a 'Error 503: Access Denied/Forbidden' status to all unauthenticated clients.
Personnalisation de votre administration et de votre site web
EchBay Admin Security
Protect Your Website Admin Against Hackers & Modify Login Page Design ( Nhiệm vụ: chặn mọi truy cập trực tiếp vào trang quản trị wordpress dưới dạng: /wp-admin/ )
EZ-done File Manager
Upload your files to the EZ-done File Manager and categorize them to your liking.
Remove Admin Footer and Version
Remove wordpress admin footer text and version.
File Manager
file manager provides you ability to edit, delete, upload, download, copy and paste files and folders.
Hide Toolbar
Plugin a very simple Disable the WP Admin Bar
Login With Google reCaptcha For WordPress And Woocomerce
Extended WordPress\Woocomerce Login With Google reCaptcha and hiding user/password errors
JS to the Footer
Jurassic Login
Login error message inspired by the 1993 Steven Spielberg film Jurassic Park.
Lean WP Engine Staging Theme
Requires you use
hosting. Plugin will change your admin bars to visually alert you that you are on a WPengine staging site.
Lyon Site Activity
Plugin Name
Notify alerts with Email and Push Notifiaction Services if detected someone accessing login form.
New User Email Set Up
A plugin to set up the email sent to new users when they register.
Amazon S3 Uploads
Moves your uploads to Amazon S3 via cron jobs.
Rapdate 1.0
Rapid checkout after updating or creating pages or posts.
Add User Role
Add User Role admin site add dirfferent role. You can change any WordPress user role.
A simple plugin enabling you to log into WordPress by scanning a QR Code with your mobile device.
Plugin Name
This is a shortcode in post content which enables you to share your favorite posts with url only.
Simple Security
Access Log to track Logins and Failed Login Attempts