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WP Social Media

开发者 brianfreytag
更新时间 2011年9月28日 09:48
PHP版本: 2.9.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.2.1


rss links wordpress email social facebook social media flickr icons twitter vimeo youtube follow soundcloud subscribe delicious myspace linkedin digg orkut reddit ebay skype googleplus itunes tumblr google+ ping picasa blogger stumbleupon buzz foursquare follow me etsy hyves yelp meetup deviantart steam ustream imdb lastfm friendfeed google talk hulu bandcamp pandora slideshare digital tunes tungle plancast better business bureau merchant circle asmallworld live365 flixster



WP Social Media is a simple sidebar widget that allows users to input their social media website profile URLs and other subscription options to show an icon on the sidebar to that social media site and more that open up in a separate browser window. Features If you like this plugin, please rate it and click "Works" for your Wordpress version! Please donate if you like this plugin.


Follow the steps below to install the plugin.
  1. Upload the wp-social-media folder and all contents to /wp-content/plugins
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Appearance->Widgets and activate the widget (Social Widget), set options and click save