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WSB Brands

开发者 branahr
更新时间 2023年3月17日 06:16
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


woocommerce brands woocommerce brands brand taxonomy manufacturers brands addon


1.0.5 1.0.1 1.0.3 1.0.4 1.0.6 1.0.7 1.0.8 1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7 1.1.8 1.0.0 1.0.2 1.2


WSB Brands is a complete Brands management solution for WooCommerce. If term "Manufacturer" is more suitable for you, you can easily change all the labels using "Brand / Manufacturer" switch in plugin settings. You can create unlimited number of brands, assign them to the products and show on desired positions. You can also enable a "Brand info" tab on product details page. Using shortcode, you can create "Shop by brand" page with brands in responsive grid. Widgets included: Brands menu and Brands Carousel slider with many configuration options. Since version 1.0.5 you can limit WooCommerce coupon usage to brand(s) and combine it with other filters. For example, you can set perecentage or fixed discount for all LG products or SONY products from TVs category. Live Demo Detailed documentation Requirements Features Shortcode Shortcode with all default values: [brands_page grid="4" logo_height="40" show="both" hide_empty="no" count="yes"] If you are happy with default values, you can use just [brands_page] instead. Also you can use only those parameters that you want to change, for example: [brands_page logo_height="50" grid="3"] Parameters and possible values: Menu Widget Shows list of brand names as menu. Links point to the brand archive pages. Options: Carousel Widget Shows selected brands in a carousel slider. Options:


Automatic installation With automatic installation WordPress handles the file transfers so it is the easiest option and you can do it from your WordPress dashboard. Just navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New. In the search field type "WSB Brands" to find the plugin. When it appears in a search results, use "Install now" button. When it is installed, activate it and plugin is ready to use. Manual installation
  1. Using FTP, upload entire wsb-brands folder to your site's /wp-content/plugins/ directory. If you have downloaded a zip file, then you can also use the Add new option in the Plugins menu in WordPress and upload it and install in a few clicks.
  2. Activate the plugin from the Plugins menu in WordPress and you are ready to go.


  • Brands tab under Woocommerce settings
  • Display options and other brands settings
  • You can show or hide brands on product list
  • Brand is assigned to product via custom metabox using dropdown list
  • Brands widget
  • Shop page
  • Examples of showing brand on single product page
  • Brand archive page
  • Brand names and logos in shortcode grid
  • Shortcode grid: brand names only
  • Brands carousel widget settings


Where can I add/edit brands?

Link to brands management page can be found in submenu of Products menu

Where is the settings page?

Settings page is on a separate tab named Brands under Woocommerce settings page.

How can I assign a brand to my product?

On a product add/edit form you can find a brand select list in a custom metabox on the right side. Select brand and save/update the product.

Can my customers see all the products of desired brand in one page?

Of course, each brand has its own archive page. The link to this page can be found in product details, brands widget, shortcode grid view, or you can simply create a new menu item for any brand.

Can I show all the brands on a single page?

Yes, this can be done using shortcode for brands grid with several display options.

Where can I find a detailed documentation

Detailed documentation is located at the WSB Brands page.