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Xorbin Digital Flash Clock

更新时间 2013年4月25日 03:01
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.8 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.5.1


widget time clock digital clock widget current time digital clock timezone customizable customisable flash clock digital flash clock xorbin



This plugin displays digital flash clock on your website. It's easy to use and it's highly customizable. You can add digital falsh clock to your website as a widget and use as many clocks as you like on one page. Before adding digital clock you can customize it with these parameters: You can see DEMO in


  1. Make sure you're running WordPress version 2.8 or higher. It won't work with older versions.
  2. Download the zip file and extract it's contents.
  3. Upload the folder xorbin-digital-flash-clock to your WP plugin folder /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  4. Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins, and activate the plugin.
  5. Go to Appearance > Widgets, and drag the widget to the sidebar.
  6. Configure your clock, add as many clocks as you like.


  • You can configure your clock by adding widget to your sidebar.
  • Available skins for digital clock.
  • You can add your own skin.


I have changed time zone parameter, but clock's time zone haven't changed. Why ?

Remember to check "Time zone" checkbox, in other case, time zone parameter is ignored.

Why when I first installed plugin and changed skin it appears broken ?

You have to save just dragged widget, before changing skin.

How can I upload custom clock skin ?

You can upload custom skin using Media upload feature provided by Wordpress (login to your Wordpress administration and select "Media->Add new"). After you have uploaded new skin, copy "File Url" (location of the uploaded file) field and paste it into your Digital clock widget configuration panel, "Custom clock skin:" field.

Where I can get support and more information about this plugin?

Further support and more information is available at or at forum of

