Linux 软件免费装
ARKCommerce is a payment gateway that provides ARK crypto currency payment services for WooCommerce stores
Plugin Name
Wordpress plugin that adds a shortcode on posts or pages to read the artist discography using the Beatport API.
Download Monitor - EDD Compatibility
Makes Download Monitor and Easy Digital Downloads play along nicely
Awesome Watermark
Apply text or image watermark to any WordPress image and thumbnails sizes.
Cataloggi eCommerce Product Catalog
Easy to use and very powerful responsive eCommerce Product Catalog plugin.
Bootstrap one page woocommerce checkout
Bootstrap one page woocommerce checkout, that show chekout and card in one page.
Ajar in5 Embed
This plugin lets you insert HTML content exported from InDesign using in5 into a Wordpress post or page.
Plugin Name
Esse plugin intercepta o envio do contact form 7 para salvar contatos em pvdnet
ColorShop - enhanced eCommerce solution
ColorShop is a powerful eCommerce plugin with amazing atributes filtering and sorting system.
Easy Digital Downloads - BadgeOS integration
Connect BadgeOS with Easy Digital Downloads
Digital Board
Requires PHP
Custom account fields
Doplňuje nové a nastavuje existující položky zákaznického účtu pro woocommerce. Adds new and sets existing customer ... for woocommerce.
dippi stands for Digital Image Processing PlugIn and provides basic operations and masks for image manipulation.
DiRT Directory Client
Integrate the DiRT Directory
into your WordPress and BuddyPress site.
Social Deals Engine
Turn your WordPress blog in to a Social Deals site and sell any kind of Deals with this complete Deals management plugin.
EDD Quick View
Product quick view for Easy Digital Downloads.
EDD Admin Tabs
Better organization of download's edit page with tabs
Epeken All Kurir Plugin for Woocommerce Full Version
Epeken All Kurir Plugin is a wordpress plugin for woocommerce to enable shipping method featuring many shipping companies for Indonesia e-commerce.
EDD Checkout Wizard
Adds a form wizard with validation to your checkout page.
Easy Digital Downloads - Commission Fees
Charge vendors an additional flat amount or percentage fee on each transaction.