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XPress Forum User Bridge

开发者 ThemeHouse
更新时间 2019年10月15日 17:11
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.2.3
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


synchronization forum shared login bridge single sign-on xenforo



Bring your WordPress and XenForo user authentication and roles together. XenForo is regarded as one of the most easily customizable and powerful forum platforms on the market. And WordPress powers roughly 1 in 5 websites on the internet. Making an easy way to connect them just makes sense. Features:


Please view our documentation here for steps on installing XPress Forum User Bridge. WordPress Plugin Directory Installation
  1. Navigate to the Plugins section of WordPress before clicking the "Add New" button.
  2. Search for "XPress Forum User Bridge" within the search bar before clicking the "Install" button when it first pops up within the plugin marketplace. It will then install automatically on your WordPress installation.
  3. After that is installed, just click the "Activate" button as its options will now be viewable within the "Settings" section of your WordPress Administration panel.
  4. Congratulations! You have officially installed the XPress Forum User Bridge plugin on your blog. Plugin
  5. Upload the content found in the zip archive to your WordPress plugin directory.
  6. After you have uploaded the files, you will need to navigate to the Plugins section within your WordPress dashboard. Here you will see a new entry "XPress" in the list. Just click Activate!
  7. Congratulations! You have officially installed the XPress Forum User Bridge plugin on your blog.


  • Screenshot of the options section for XPress Forum User Bridge within WordPress under the Settings section.
  • Screenshot of the options section for XPress Forum User Bridge within XenForo under the Options section.
  • Screenshot of the options section for XPress Forum User Bridge within WordPress under the Settings section.
  • Screenshot of the options section for XPress Forum User Bridge within XenForo under the Options section.
  • Screenshot of the options section for XPress Forum User Bridge within WordPress under the Settings section.
  • Screenshot of the options section for XPress Forum User Bridge within XenForo under the Options section.