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single sign-on
CommunityAPI SSO
CommunityAPI SSO provides user provisioning, authorization and single signon capabilities against CommunityAPI providers.
Allows customers of Endurance International Group to sign on to WordPress through the vDeck Control Panel.
SAML 2.0 Single Sign-On
SAML 2.0 Single Sign-On allows you to use a SAML 2.0-compliant Identity Provider for Single Sign-On to your blog.
GP Facebook login
A simple login with facebook account in WordPress
GP Google login
A simple login with google account in WordPress
Plugin Name
Helprace is a customer support help desk, customer community and knowledge base accessible through a feedback widget.
Wild Apricot Login
Provides single sign-on service for Wild Apricot members to provide access to restricted Wild Apricot content.
Log in with Google
Minimal plugin that allows WordPress users to log in using Google.
OpenID Connect Single Sign-On (SSO) Plugin By Gluu
This plugin enables user enrollment and authentication against any standard OpenID Provider (OP).
NeonCRM Sign-In
Sign in to WordPress using a NeonCRM constituent account.
Social Share, Social Login and Social Comments Plugin - Super Socializer
The unique Social Plugin to let you integrate Social Login, Social Share, Social Comments and Social Media follow at your website
Plugin Name
Provides a simple and very lite social login system for your Wordpress without any server overloads !
Sovay Secure Identity/Login
Sovay secures your identity and your WordPress site logins. Authenticate once and securely access all your sites — without password hassles.
Teddy ID Lite
Enables your users to log in to your site without manually entering the password. Instead, user just taps one button on his phone.
Secure Login with TraitWare
The TraitWare plugin combined with its mobile app ensures a simple, secure login to the WordPress Dashboard and Protected Resources via web browsers by replacing usernames and passwords with a QR scan.
Heateor Login - Social Login Plugin
Allow your website visitors to login to your website via their Facebook accounts
WebshopLogin Single Sign On
Login with one account using an existing account from eg. Facebook, Paypal or Google or from one of the many connected webshops.
OAuth 2.0 client for SSO
Allows WordPress Login with your Eve Online, Slack, Discord or any custom OAuth server (OAuth Provider) with OAuth 2.0 standard
XPress Forum User Bridge
Easily authenticate users and sync roles between WordPress and XenForo.
Login with ADFS
ADFS Login provides simple secure login to your Wordpress site via user's ADFS account (uses secure SAML). Supports MFA if enabled.