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ZA My Favorite Plugins Installer

开发者 zeeshanarshad
更新时间 2015年3月12日 11:27
PHP版本: 4.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.1
版权: GPLv2 or later


automatic custom plugins auto favorite installer oneclick



Have you ever been tired by manually downloading, installing and activating your favorite plugins one by one on every WordPress website? Here is the solution to solve this problem of manual installation for your favorite plugins whether that is uploading via ftp, installing one by one through WordPress or transferring from server to server. Experience yourself why ZAMFPI is an important problem solving plugin to get rid of manual installations. Demo ZA-MFPI Demonstration Video [HD]
  • Saves you tons of time by performing several operations simultaneously
  • Automatically downloads, installs and activates your collection of favorite plugins with one click
  • Gives you freedom from burden of keeping plugins folders
  • You can save your custom favorite list in any WordPress website
Developers This tool is great to install your favorite plugins for any wordpress website without hassle of manually downloading, installing and activating many plugins. Please Note Your feedback and suggestions are important to me for making it better and bring more features as necessary.


  1. Upload the za-favorite-plugins-installer plugin to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. One-click installation of plugins can be controlled on the Favorite Plugins screen

