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amazon web services
Amazon S3 Backup & Restore Plugin to create Amazon S3 Full Backup (Files + Database) or Restore, Duplicate, Clone or Migrate of your Website
{eac}SimpleAWS includes and enables use of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) PHP Software Development Kit (SDK).
Purge the Nginx FastCGI cache manually, or automatically when content is updated. Supports purging of individual pages.
Offload Media - Cloud Storage is a way to transfer your files, media, and images from a WordPress server to online cloud storage, such as Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces, and Google Cloud Storage Services. And it rewrites the URL to serve files from the same storage provider or another CDN provider.
Improve site performance and user experience via caching: browser, page, object, database, minify and content delivery network support.
Search Engine (SEO) & Performance Optimization (WPO) via caching. Integrated caching: CDN, Page, Minify, Object, Fragment, Database support.
Houses the Amazon Web Services (AWS) PHP SDK v2 libraries and manages access keys.
S3 Amazon AWS object storage: Easily delete, download or upload files or folders between S3 AWS object storage and your server or computer.
Database backup Amazon S3 to backup database / restore database of Website. Database backup to Amazon S3 Cloud