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WordPress Restrictions
WordPress Restrictions allows you to set restrictions on when and what content can be edited/deleted on your WordPress Install.
bbPress Capabilities
Advanced user capability editing, specifically for bbPress
Manages User Roles
Debug Bar Roles and Capabilities
A simple add-on for Debug Bar that tabulates all roles and capabilities
Element Capability Manager
This plugin prevents you from modifing any element of a specific post type, leaving all the others editable.
Enable Contributor Uploads
Easy plugin which adds the capability for contributors to upload images to their blog posts.
Editor Can Edit Menus
"Editor Can Edit Menus" gives Editors the capability to view and edit the WordPress Menus.
Restrict content access using shortcodes; based on roles, capabilities, user meta, and logged in status.
View Admin As
View the WordPress admin as a different role or visitor, switch between users, temporarily change your capabilities, set screen settings for roles.
Plugin Name
*This plugin has been replaced by the WP Access Codes Plugin!
Adds users to specific Press Permit permission groups when they enter a designated access code or password.
Restrict Widgets
All in one widgets and sidebars management in WordPress. Allows you to hide or display widgets on specified pages and restrict access for users.
Groups is an efficient and powerful solution, providing group-based user membership management, group-based capabilities and content access control.
When users logged in admin area, they will see announcements first, if users did not accept announcements, they can not open any menu in back end.
Post Lockdown
Allows admins to protect selected posts and pages so they cannot be trashed or deleted by non-admin users.
User Role Setting Autoloader
User Hierarchy
Control user management on a per-role basis. Allow users of a certain role to only add, edit or delete users from specific other roles.
WordPress White Label
White label WordPress with a plugin instead of hacking the WordPress core.
Plugin Name
Assigns a WordPress Role or/and a Press Permit Group to a user based on a predefined access code they enter.
Plugin Name
This plugin asks the user to choose his role in the website during registration from a list of selected roles. Works with BuddyPress also.
User Role for Flamingo
Configure special user role to access the flamingo contacts and messages wihtout admin permissions.