Linux 软件免费装
WP-DenyHost denies a spammer from accessing your WordPress site. WP-DenyHost can add spammers to the CloudFlare Block list
Boom CDN
Manager for Cloudflare Zaraz
Easily manage Cloudflare Zaraz integration with your WordPress site.
Simple Cloudflare Turnstile - CAPTCHA Alternative
Add Cloudflare Turnstile to WordPress, WooCommerce, Contact Forms & more. The user-friendly, privacy-preserving reCAPTCHA alternative. 100% free!
All of Cloudflare’s performance and security benefits in a simple one-click install.
Cloudflare Page Cache
Adds support for caching pages on Cloudflare and automatic purging when content changes.
CloudFlare Rocket Loader Ignore
Instruct CloudFlare's Rocket Loader to ignore specific scripts.
CloudFlare Rocket Loader Manual Settings
Allows you to manually set which JavaScript files to optimize with the CloudFlare Rocket Loader.
CloudFlare URL Replacement
This plugin will help you replace link to the CloudFlare server.
Edge Images
Turbocharge your WordPress images by using an edge provider (like Cloudflare or Accelerated Domains) and optimizing your HTML markup.
IP Blacklist for Cloudflare
Blacklist IP addresses that attempt to login with a banned username through Cloudflare.
TR Cache and Security
Supported features:
Real IP and Geo for Cloudflare
The plugin saves and displays visitors' real IP and location, instead of Cloudflare's.
Enable Turnstile (Cloudflare) for Gravity Forms
A lightweight plugin to enable Cloudflare's Turnstile alternative CAPTCHA on your Gravity Forms.
Super Page Cache
Supercharge Your Pagespeed and SEO by Powerful Caching, JS/CSS, Media, and Cloudflare's Global CDN.
WordPress Speed
Improve site performance and user experience via caching: browser, page, object, database, minify and content delivery network support.
Plugin Name
Search Engine (SEO) & Performance Optimization (WPO) via caching. Integrated caching: CDN, Page, Minify, Object, Fragment, Database support.
Non Cache Public Post Preview
Disable cache when show public post preview post
Login Security Captcha
Secure WordPress login, registration, and comment form with Google reCAPTCHA or Cloudflare Turnstile. Prevent Brute-force attacks and more.