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Copy Post
Copy Post allows you to copy posts from one instance of WordPress to another.
Click to Clipboard
Protecting your website against copyright infringement and plagiarism.
Clone Screen Options
This plugin will let you clone screen options from one user to another user or user role.
Plugin Name
If someone reposts or quotes text content from your website, you'll get a discreet email letting you know, along with the sections quoted and the URL.
CPD Copy Assignments
A plug-in that works alongside the CPD Journals plugin that allows assignments to be copied into participants journals.
Database Sync
Sync databases across servers with a single click.
Yoast Duplicate Post
The go-to tool for cloning posts and pages, including the powerful Rewrite & Republish feature.
Protect Your Content
Verbiete das Kopieren von Texten und Bildern bzw. füge Dein Copyright hinzu.
Creative Contact Form - The Best WordPress Contact Form Builder
Creative Contact Form is a responsive contact form builder with amazing visual effects. Over 36,450+ sites are already using Creative Contact Form.
OB DB Excel Converter
This plugin provide you the functionality to export MySql database table to excel file. The plugin is very easy to use.
Dokan Product Duplicator
Duplicate other sellers product to your store on Dokan marketplace.
Duplicate Variations for Woocommerce
** Premium Version **
DesktopServer for WordPress
DesktopServer for WordPress
Duplicator / Cloner / Migrator *** PRO features for FREE ***
Duplicator clone plugin can duplicate, backup website, clone website or migrate WordPress website from one hosting place to another for FREE!
Duplicate Post
Copy posts of any type with a click!
Duplicate taxonomy terms and ACF fields
Duplicate taxonomy terms and ACF field values, if there are any
LH Signup
LH Signup Allows you to easily allow your users to create new sites on the front end of your website. It allows you to create white label websites ready for your user when they create a site
Embed Article
Plugin for ad supported embedding of articles resulting in increased SEO for your website.
Eternal Archive - Capture. Archive. Prove.
The Eternal Archive WordPress plugin provides blockchain based Proof Reports of your content for free, every time you publish or edit any post type.