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amr cron manager
Overview of wp cron jobs in the site's timezone. The lists show if the action exists and any arguments to the cron job. Highlights old zombie jobs. Reschedule or delete cron jobs.
WPX Cron Manager Light
Cron Manager displays and manages any kind WordPress registered cron job.
Backup Database Phpmyadmin
Backup Database to Phpmyadmin.
Facebook Group to WordPress
Pull your facebook group feed to WordPress
BI Clean Cache
Plugin to run/set cron to clean Autoptimize plugin cache files
MY Missed Schedule
重发定时失败的文章。Find missed schedule posts and it republish them correctly. Once every five minutes.
CJ Affiliate Export plugin
Export product in CJ Affiliate system.
Change WP Cron Request URL
Cron Debug Log
A rudimentary plugin for debugging cron.
Cron View
Displays all scheduled WP-Cron tasks.
Cron Unsticky Posts
Unsticky old posts automatically using wordpress's cron functions.
Cron Time
Cron Time plugin allows you to see all the set crons in WordPress.
Cronjob Scheduler
Cronjob Scheduler allows you to automate regular tasks and actions within your WordPress installation!
Debug Objects
The Plugin Debug Objects provides a large number of information: query, cache, cron, constants, hooks, functions and many more.
Plugin Name
Automatic batch timing post. 自动批量定时发布文章。
Phlush Permalinks
Automate permalink flushing at custom intervals and trigger flushes on selected actions for improved site management.
WP-Cron Status Checker
If WP-Cron runs important things for you, you better make sure WP-Cron always runs!
EZ Backup
Keep your database safe with scheduled backups. Multiple option for off-site backups also available.
Trigger Scheduled Events
Trigger any scheduled event now instead of waiting until WP cron tells it to run. Handy for debugging.
AsynCRONous bbPress Subscriptions
Email notifications done right. No BCC lists, no added page load time, better performance.