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Extreme Advanced debugging plugin for seeing the verbose of the verbose debug info. Tech Support, Server Admins, WordPress Developers, Plugin Developers, or anyone wanting to see under the hood of their website and diagnose problems. This debugging plugin goes further than any other in the way it uses Apache Server Status Handlers, CGI Script for server environment view, and in the shear amount of debugging information available, like the basically print_r($GLOBALS).
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A session replay speaks louder than a thousand events.
Puts a ribbon on the website if the user browser is older than expected.
Add capability to capture technical problems faced by users on any post or pages on the WordPress website / blog.
Create custom 401 and 403 error pages with any WordPress theme without writing a single line of code, set it up and forget it.
Prevents plugins from showing deprecated errors in the WordPress admin.
Shows generated php site errors only to the admin via a drop down panel and hides them from the public. Email Alerts the admin of errors.
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Error Tracker is a super lightweight plugin that allows you to easily integrate LogRocket and/or Sentry error tracking software into WordPress.
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Airbrake is collects all errors created by Wordpress and it's plugins.
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Sends the previous day's WooCommerce fatal error log to specified email(s) using Action Scheduler.
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When you get a 404 this will check the requested path at a site you define and redirect there if found rather than showing the 404.php template from your theme.
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The Site Checkup Wizard Plugin is a vital tool for WordPress administrators, providing easy-to-use checks to ensure your site is functioning properly.
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Ajaxify Comments hooks into native WordPress comments and allows comment posting without reloading the page.
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Log PHP variables and arrays to the web console in your browser via JavaScript's console.log(). No browser extensions required.
Quick and easy way of toggling showing PHP errors. Very useful when developing!
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A WordPress plugin to quickly send a 404 for missing static files.
Create more useful 404 error pages, including email notifications for bad links.
Put W3 Total Cache on auto pilot. This plugin allows you to control W3 Total Cache by simply using your website. So your cache is always up to date.
Easily log all 404 errors with an option to deliver them via RSS.
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One click enable/disable debugging, clear debug.log, search, sort, and filter errors. See new errors automatically without refreshing.