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facebook pixel
CookiePro is the most mature and trusted cookie consent tool that is purpose-built for compliance with GDPR, ePrivacy and IAB framework. Now including IAB TCF v2.0!
The perfect "All in One". Discover the most complete Google Tag Manager extension on WooCommerce.
Header and Footer plugin let you to add html code to the head and footer sections of your blog page, inside posts... and more!
A GiveWP Add-on to help administrators gather data on donor interaction via Facebook Pixel.
{eac}MetaPixel installs the Facebook/Meta Pixel to enable tracking of PageView, Search, ViewContent, AddToCart, InitiateCheckout and Purchase events.
Lighten your Wordpress website by optimizing source code. Enhance its usability by adding some analytics.
Just because it's super simple to add tracking codes to your website with this plugin.
Adds personalized commands to Facebook pixel about your pages.
Insert the New Facebook Pixel to ALL your pages with one plugin
This attachment, create advertisement target audience similar to users profile based on informations of your current users, automatically. You can increase the conversion rates with Facebook and Instagram advertisements to target audience you created.
Agrega fácilmente el pixel de Facebook, además de eventos estándar y personalizados a tu Woocommerce (ViewShop, ViewCategory, ViewTag, ViewContent, AddToCart, InitiateCheckout y Purchase).
Agrega fácilmente los pixeles de Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, TikTok y/o Google Analytics 4 a tu sitio web. Además es compatible con Woocommerce en Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok y Google Analytics 4 para implementar eventos estándar y personalizados.
It is a very lightweight plugin for customizing WordPress header, add custom code and enable, disable or remove the unwanted meta tags and links from the source code.
The simplest and easiest way to manage your Facebook Pixel needs and create laser focused custom audiences on WordPress.
This plugin helps you to insert the cookie consent banner script directly to your website. The use of this plugin by itself doesn't guarantee compliance with legal necessities associated with cookies.
TW Header & Footer Codes is plugin that will help you add HTML, JavaScript of CSS codes to the head and footer part of your WordPress website.
Add Adwords, Facebook pixel or any Conversion Tracking scripts using variables like product ID, post id, title or custom ones.
The tracking codes in one place. Support: Google Analytics, Google Analytics 4, Google ADS Remarketing, Google Tag Manager, DataLayer Google Tag Manager for WooCommerce, Google Merchant Customer Reviews for WooCommerce, Facebook Pixel Code.
Adzapier CookiePro plugin provides you with the easiest way to insert the JavaScript for implementing Adzapier’s Cookie Banner and providing the network path to get cookie consent records from your website users.