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ChargeAfter connects merchants and lenders to offer consumers approved financing from multiple lenders across the entire credit spectrum.
Smallpay offers the Merchant the possibility of payments in installments on any purchase and to charge monthly each installment on the card of his client. It is possible to do this both for the operators of physical stores that access their account with Log-in and password, and for the owners of online shops who have downloaded the plugin and have activated it on their e-commerce site. All merchant's customers will only have to enter their credit card number in the check-out page for payment of the first installment; the installments following the first one will be debited automatically, on the same card, on the 5th of each month until the current installments are canceled
Flexible payment platform that enhances business conversion and recurrence. The easiest, safest, and quickest way for customers to pay installments.
For more information, please visit Sezzle Docs.
WooCommerce Deposits and Partial Payments Plugin helps customers to make payments for the products they buy using a partial payment or a deposit.
Installments for Gravity Forms and Stripe enables you to set up subscription payments that autocancel after x times paid / user per feed.
Mostra múltiplos preços em um produto. Preço á vista e com parcelamento (preço parcelado).
La forma más fácil y económica de que tus clientes paguen a meses, mientras tu recibes tu dinero de contado y el mismo día. Funciona con WooCommerce.
Adds a new Payment method provided by Laybuy.
Singapore Mortgage And Loan Calculator. A calculator plugin that helps you calculate monthly mortgage repayments for home loans in Singapore
Use Payment Gateway throug Stripe Installments to accept credit card payments and allow your customers to split purchases over multiple billing statements. Available in Mexico only.
With zinia you can easily add all your preferred payment options to your checkout. Within minutes! Find more about us:
Exibir o parcelamento sem e com juros pré-configurado no Painel Administrativo usando os plugins.
Smallpay offers the Merchant the possibility of payments in installments on any purchase and to charge monthly each installment on the card of his client. It is possible to do this both for the operators of physical stores that access their account with Log-in and password, and for the owners of online shops who have downloaded the plugin and have activated it on their e-commerce site. All merchant's customers will only have to enter their credit card number in the check-out page for payment of the first installment; the installments following the first one will be debited automatically, on the same card, on the 5th of each month until the current installments are canceled
This is a great plugin to sell your products like courses and online classes with partial payments or deposits. Your audience will be really happy with this.
With payever you can easily add all your preferred payment options to your checkout. Within minutes! Find more about us: