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object cache
APC Object Cache Backend
APC Object Cache provides a persistent memory-based backend for the WordPress object cache. APC must be available on your PHP install.
Johnny Cache
Provides an admin interface for inspecting Memcached instances and flushing items by key or group in an AJAX fashion.
{eac}Doojigger ObjectCache - SQLite powered WP_Object_Cache Drop-in.
{eac}ObjectCache is a drop-in persistent object cache using a SQLite database to cache WordPress objects.
Debug Bar Cache Lookup
Look up items in object cache.
APCu Object Cache Backend
An object-cache implementation using the APCu extension.
APCu Manager
APCu statistics and management right in the WordPress admin dashboard.
Redis Object Cache
A persistent object cache powered by Redis.
Cache Warmer
Visits website pages to warm (create) the cache if you have any caching solutions configured.
Simple Cache
A very simple plugin to make your site run lightning fast with caching.
SQLite Object Cache
A fast persistent object cache backend for the rest of us, powered by SQLite.
Redis Object Cache - 对象缓存
由 Redis ®¹ 提供支持的持久对象缓存后端。支持 Predis、PhpRedis、Relay、replication、 sentinels、 clustering 和 WP-CLI。
WinCache Object Cache Backend
WinCache Object Cache provides a persistent memory-based backend for the WordPress object cache. WinCache must be available on your PHP install.
WP APC Panel
Shows APC stats, opcode entries, user cache key/values etc. under Tools menu. WordPress compatible version of apc.php from pecl apc package.
WP File Cache
DOES NOT support WordPress MultiSite.
XCache Object Cache Backend
An object-cache implementation using the XCache extension.
Object Cache 4 everyone
Memcached or disk backend support for the WP Object Cache. Memcached server running and PHP Memcached class needed for better performance. No configuration needed, runs automatically
Tribe Object Cache
Memcached Redux
Uses the Memcached class (not the Memcache class) to implement WP Object Cache
Use MemCachier to implement WP Object Cache
Docket Cache - Object Cache Accelerator
Supercharge your website using a persistent object cache, accelerates caching with OPcache backend.