Test and benchmark the speed of your hosting provider, based on the speed of their mysql database, which tends to be the main cause of Wordpress being slow on some hosts.
Enables gzip-compression if the visitor's browser can handle it. This will speed up your WordPress website drastically and reduces bandwidth usage as well. Uses the PHP ob_gzhandler() callback.
Lazy Load for WordPress images bosst your website loading speed. Load images only when required. Show images than after scrolling down and when viewport and Lazy Load Background Images loads then Improved page speed.
Improve your speed score on GTmetrix, Pingdom Tools and Google PageSpeed Insights by adjusting CSS and JS files (defer, async, minify, combine, etc), compressing HTML, simplifying fonts and a few more speed optimization options.
Minify your HTML will remove and trim away all white space and HTML comments in your HTML. This will reduce requests size for all pages and improve your website's performance.
This plugin works without any special configuration so you just need to activate it and enjoy a faster site.