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wordpress optimization
Very basic features offering by Basic Optimization for WordPress plugin. Like - Disable Emoticons, Remove Shortlink, Disable Embeds, Disable XML-RPC, Hide WordPress Version, etc. You will always able to manage this option from the setting page of the Basic Optimization for WordPress plugin. This plugin is an open source project, made possible by your contribution (code).
SettiMize is your go-to plugin for all-in-one WordPress settings, custom fields, and additional optimization features on your dashboard.
Improves your site's page load speed by preventing NextGEN's scripts & css from loading on posts and pages without galleries.
The essential add-on for the NextGEN Gallery WordPress plugin.
Easy WordPress website Speed & Performance optimization with one click!
You are using Wp-PostViews? Slowing site? This plugin with faster sites.
Speed up your Elementor site and get the FASTEST page loading speed by blocking Elementor assets and disabling Elementor on specific pages/posts. Improve performance, SEO, and conversion rate — super easy, fast, and zero code.