Description: Two-factor authentication is a security process in which user provides two authentication factors to proof they are who they say they are. Our WordPress two-factor authentication plugin adds an extra layer of protection from unauthorized access. It stops all possible brute force attacks, even if your website has been hacked and your password has been stolen our smart two-step authentication tool will prevent your website from being compromised.
A simple yet the most popular toolkit to disable all the methods that can enter the developer tools to prevent code handling through the developer tools.
Enforce a specific individual password strength. Set password length, number of symbols, numbers and lower/upper characters for your minimum user-passwords specification
Adds more security for your website. Server-side scanning. Performs deep website scans of all the files. Virus/Malware detection and removal. Bruteforce protection.
Adds more security for your website. Server-side scanning. Performs deep website scans of all the files. Virus/Malware detection and removal. Bruteforce protection.
SX User Name Security prevents WordPress from showing your real Login everywhere. It ovverides the body_class function, User Nicename, Nickname and Display Name.