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Connect Notion and send data to WordPress with the WP Sync for Notion plugin!
Swiftly sync Airtable to your WordPress website!
Connect the popular WordPress plugin Contact Form 7 to Notion. This add-on enables you to integrate Contact Form 7 forms so that when users submit a form entry, the entries get directly added to Notion. You can link any field type including custom fields and add information to your Notion database.
Connect the WordPress plugin Contact Form 7 to Airtable. This reliable add-on enables you to integrate your Contact Form 7 forms so that when users submit a form entry, the entries get directly added to Airtable. You can link any field type, including custom fields and add information to your Airtable table. Once the form is validated, the information entered will be added to the columns you have selected.
Connect the awesome WordPress Gravity Forms plugin to the relationship marketing platform Brevo (ex Sendinblue). With this game-changing plugin, you can link any Gravity Forms field with Brevo attributes. When validating the form, you generate a contact in the selected list(s) with all the correct attributes according to the information entered.