Shortcodes used by ClearCode in their WordPress sites.
How to read this guide
There are so many different shortcodes in this plugin that it's impractical to list out all of the seperate use-cases that are available
The following shortcode declaration is an annotated guide describing how to read this documentation
This is the base shortcode that is being described
Parameters -- A list of the different parameters (eg: [SHORTCODE_NAME PARAMETER1="VALUE" BOOLEAN1="Y"]
- PARAMETER1: The VALUE to assign to this parameter
- Default: The default value that is assigned to this parameter, for example: "This is a test"
BOOLEAN1: Set to "Y" if something is true, otherwise leave blank
Aliases -- If this shortcode can also be called as
or [ALIAS2]
it will be noted here
Description of the shortcode and a general description of what it does. If it has to be nested within another shortcode, that too will be documented in this area, like this. Required Parent:
Short Codes
Shortcode: [splits]
- None
container for a row of splits
Shortcode: [one_half]
- first: Set to "Y" if it is the first one in the set
- last: Set to "Y" if it is the first one in the set
Creates an element that is one-half of it's container's width.
Required Parent: [splits]
Shortcode: [one_third]
- first: Set to "Y" if it is the first one in the set
- last: Set to "Y" if it is the first one in the set
Creates an element that is one third of it's container's width.
Required Parent: [splits]
Shortcode: [two_thirds]
- first: Set to "Y" if it is the first one in the set
- last: Set to "Y" if it is the first one in the set
Creates an element that is two thirds of it's container's width.
Required Parent: [splits]
Shortcode: [one_fourth]
- first: Set to "Y" if it is the first one in the set
- last: Set to "Y" if it is the first one in the set
Creates an element that is one fourth of it's container's width.
Required Parent: [splits]
Shortcode: [two_fourths]
- first: Set to "Y" if it is the first one in the set
- last: Set to "Y" if it is the first one in the set
Creates an element that is two fourths of it's container's width.
Required Parent: [splits]
Shortcode: [three_fourths]
- first: Set to "Y" if it is the first one in the set
- last: Set to "Y" if it is the first one in the set
Creates an element that is three fourths of it's container's width.
Required Parent: [splits]
Shortcode: [one_fifth]
- first: Set to "Y" if it is the first one in the set
- last: Set to "Y" if it is the first one in the set
Creates an element that is one fifth of it's container's width.
Required Parent: [splits]
Shortcode: [two_fifths]
- first: Set to "Y" if it is the first one in the set
- last: Set to "Y" if it is the first one in the set
Creates an element that is two fifths of it's container's width.
Required Parent: [splits]
Shortcode: [three_fifths]
- first: Set to "Y" if it is the first one in the set
- last: Set to "Y" if it is the first one in the set
Creates an element that is three fifths of it's container's width.
Required Parent: [splits]
Shortcode: [four_fifths]
- first: Set to "Y" if it is the first one in the set
- last: Set to "Y" if it is the first one in the set
Creates an element that is four fifths of it's container's width.
Required Parent: [splits]
Shortcode: [clear]
Creates an element that does clear:both
Shortcode: [more]
- title: the text to display when content is hidden
- Default: Learn More... / Spoilers...
- Spoiler
- Spoil
Creates a link that shows a hidden area of content when clicked
Shortcode: [tabs]
- class: CSS class(es) to assign to the outer element
Creates a tabbed area.
Shortcode: tab
- title: the tab's title
- Default: New Tab
Creates a tab
Required Parent: [tabs]
Shortcode: [slider]
- height: Height in css-compatible units.
- Example: 400px
Creates a slider container
Shortcode: [slide]
- none
- src: Background image. Can be either url or media ID.
- href|slug|id|link : Where to go when the slide is clicked. Can be a url, slug, post/page ID, or any other link format.
Makes a slide.
Required Parent: [slider]
Shortcode: [hover]
- class: CSS class(es) to assign to the element
Creates an area that toggles between two different content ares on hover
Shortcode: [on]
designates the content displayed when there is no hover.
Required Parent: [hover]
Shortcode: [off]
designates the content displayed when there is hover.
Required Parent: [hover]
Shortcode: [background]
- bgcolor: the background color
- src: Background image. Can be either url or media ID.
- position: Background Position.
- Default: top left
- repeat: Background Repeat.
- Default: no-repeat
- height: Height in css-compatible units.
- Example: 400px
- width: width in css-compatible units.
- Example: 100%
- Default: 100%
- class: CSS class(es) to assign to the element
- color: the foreground color
- padding: padding of element
- Default: "0px 0px 0px 0px"
creates a div with a background you set
Shortcode: [flashcard]
- height: Height in css-compatible units.
- Example: 400px
- width: width in css-compatible units.
- Example: 100%
- Default: 100%
- class: CSS class(es) to assign to the element
click to rotate from
Shortcode: [front]
- click : what to click to toggle the flip
- Default: all
- Example: .close
Front side of the FlashCard
Required Parent: [flashcard]
Shortcode: [back]
- click : what to click to toggle the flip
- Default: all
- Example: .close
Back side of the FlashCard
Required Parent: [flashcard]
Shortcode: [linkmap]
- height: Height in css-compatible units.
- Example: 400px
- width: width in css-compatible units.
- Example: 100%
- Default: 100%
- class: CSS class(es) to assign to the element
- src: Background image. Can be either url or media ID.
- hover_src: Alternate Background image. Can be either url or media ID.
- flashcard: Set to "y" to make clicking an area flip to the content of that area
- bgcolor: The background color
- Default: transparent
Image map replacement using divs.
Use one image for the background, then alter that image for all of the hover changes.
Create a
for each clickable area in the image.
A clickable area in a linkmap
Required Parent: [linkmap]
Shortcode: [link]
- class: CSS class(es) to assign to the element
- href|slug|id|link : Where to go when the slide is clicked. Can be a url, slug, post/page ID, or any other link format.
Get a link
Shortcode: [title]
- id|slug : an identifier for the post/page/etc... to get the title for
Get the title for a page/post/etc... in your WordPress install
Shortcode: [buttons]
- align: the alignment of the inner of the area
Designate a area that holds buttons
Shortcode: [button]
- class: CSS class(es) to assign to the element
- title: the text displayed in the button
Create a div that's a button so jQuery can be used on it
Full Examples
[splits] [one_fourth first="Y"] Hello [/one_fourth] [one_fourth] World! [/one_fourth] [one_fourth last="Y"] I am Mike [/one_fourth] [/splits]
[tabs] [tab title="Tab 1"] Content [/tab] [tab title="Tab 2"] Content 2 [/tab] [/tabs]
Link & Title
This will contain a link to the page whose id is 5 and it's title: [link id="5"][title id="5"][/link]
Future Plans
- Code Comments
- Examples / How to
- Document advanced shortcodes better, get screenshots/video of them in action:
- Linkmap
- FlashCard
- Slider
- TinyMCE Integration
- Buttons to create/edit shortcodes
- Content filters that display shortcodes output in the editor and when focused on allow you to click the aforementioned button again to edit it's info - like bold or italic
Known Issues
needs to be tied into WordPress' email system and should actually send out an email
needs formatting
Added better documentation
Added a "How to read" section to the documentation.
Better format for documenting the required parent shortcode for shortcodes that require them.
Spell checked the Documentation.
Added fifth splits
Fixed background display bug
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an error that caused the site to crash
- Bug Fixes:
- Slider multi-instance fails.
- Slider "first" property - make it work in other themes
- Slider now uses src parameter instead of altering it's content to get an image
- Removing Dependency on php 5.3
- Removing development error reporting
- Making Class Based
- Complete Re-write
- Adding Email Form
- Adding button
- Adding Email Form AJAX processor
- Cleanup
- Added various parameter aliases
- Added link
- Added title
- Added flashcard
- Added linkmap
- Added changelog - Better late than never! I'll start using it i swear!