Linux 软件免费装
Blue Admin
This is a simple admin design that makes your WordPress administration section more clear and relaxed.
Force browsers to load the most recent file if modified.
Clear Internal Search Button
Adds a button in admin area to clear text of search field for posts, pages, comments, users, media, categories, tags, plugins, and themes.
Disable Version Caching - Khanakia
Updates the assets version of all CSS and JS files. Shows the latest changes on the site without asking the client to clear browser cache.
LH Clear Debug Log by Cron
A simple plugin that clears the debug log by the cron schedule when it gets too big.
Leniy Tweaks
Quick Cache Clear for Publisher
Simple Breaks
Simple Breaks adds in shortcodes for everyday html elements that normally get removed by visual mode
Add clear both via line break or div using shortcode in your post or page plugin for wordpress
TinyMCE Clear Float
Adds a button to the WordPress TinyMCE editor to clear floats.
wao.io Cache Control
PageSpeed Purge Button
Creates a button on WP Admin Bar which allows one to purge Google PageSpeed module's cache via PURGE HTTP request
Force browsers to load the most recent file if modified.
Clear Cache for Me
Purges cache on WPEngine, W3TC, WP Super Cache, WP Fastest Cache when widgets, menus, settings update. Forces browsers to reload CSS and JS files.
ClearCode Shortcode Library
Shortcodes used by ClearCode in their WordPress sites.
Prevent Browser Caching
Updates the assets version of all CSS and JS files. Shows the latest changes on the site without asking the client to clear browser cache.
Clear OPcache
Flush PHP OPcache and WinCache with the click of a button and automatically before WordPress updates.
Clear cache for Timber
Clear Floats Button
Adds clear float button to TinyMCE Editor.
BB Delete cache
Add delete beaver builder cache button in admin bar!