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Content Repeater - Custom Posts Simplified

开发者 db0112358
更新时间 2021年6月5日 21:36
PHP版本: 4.4.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.1.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


template portfolio custom post types custom fields products testimonials coupons masonry twentytwenty slick slider isotope flipboxes portals before & after


1.0.0 1.0.2 1.0.5 1.0.6


Content Repeater is designed to quickly set up custom content types like Testimonials, Coupons, Products, Flipboxes, Entry Portals, Portfolios, Before & Afters and what not, and display them in fancy ways: Ajax Reload, Masonry, Isotope, Slick Slider, Single Row, Simple List. Content Repeater simplifies the process of managing and displaying custom posts. Typically, there are at least three steps for displaying custom post content on the frontend:
  1. Register a custom post type specifying all its options.
  2. Create custom fields (field groups)
  3. Create a post type template (single-{post_type}.php) in the theme folder
Content Repeater reduces step #1 to a single name-entry action, and merges steps #2 and #3 into one. Custom fields are assigned right in the Template Editor, and you don't have to add any files to your theme. Displaying custom content is as simple as inserting a shortcode from the editor's toolbar. Features


  1. Install
  2. Activate
  3. Create content types
  4. Create a Template or use a pre-built one
  5. Add content
  6. Insert Repeaters into posts or pages


  • Content types
  • Template
  • Template syntax
  • Template shortcodes inserter / generator
  • Repeaters
  • Fields


1.0.0 Release Date - 7 March 2019 1.0.1 fixed images field sorting issue 1.0.2 add options to slider field: nolink, fullheight 1.0.3 minor localization changes, slider field improvements 1.0.4 fix empty fields not saving 1.0.5 field inserter improvements 1.0.6 fixed post sorting issue